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~ tommys pov ~

I slowly follow Phil down the stairs to the kitchen while trying to wake myself up slightly, when we make it to the kitchen I see Wilbur and a half asleep techno sitting there already so I take a seat next to techno who doesn't really acknowledge me.

I was worried about them eating next to me but I kept quiet as I sat there, Phil handed me a plate and I put some toast on my plate and began buttering it. As everyone started to eat their food I was becoming more paranoid, the noises weren't awful but they weren't pleasant either.

"So what are you boys doing after we go shopping?" Phil asked.

"I think I'm going to town with Sally later if that's alright" Wilbur answered.

"Yeah of course mate just don't be home to late"

I looked at them in confusion, I didn't know who Sally was, was she a family member? A friend of Wilbur? Wilburs girlfriend? I didn't have a clue which I think Phil caught onto.

"Sally is Wilburs girlfriend" He smiled while turning to Wil "maybe she could meet Tommy one day?"

"Yeah of course I'm sure she would love to meet you" Wil agreed.

"What about you Techno what are you doing today?" Phil asked.

Techno shrugged "Probably go to sleep"

"Sounds like a plan" Phil chuckled "what about you Tommy?"

I just shrugged, I didn't really want to talk plus I don't even have friends here so I'd probably just sit in my room and draw.

"Well maybe you could make friends with Tubbo, you're the same age"

"Okay" I mumbled while cracking a small smile.

As it went silent and everyone began eating the noises got louder and louder so I immediately put my fingers in my ears to block out any noises. Techno was the first to notice and got the others to notice too, I didn't want the attention on me it made me feel awkward so I took my fingers off hoping they would look away but they didn't.

"You can eat in the other room if you would like Tommy" Phil offered.

I nodded immediately and grabbed the plate leaving the room swiftly, I sat down in the living room and ate all my food until my plate was cleared.

I take my plate to the kitchen where they had all finished and Wilbur and Techno were already heading upstairs, I put my plate on the side for Phil to clean it and begin to head upstairs before being stopped by Phil.

"Tommy have you taken your meds yet" He asks.

"No" I shake my head while walking back over to him.

He gets two pills out and pours them into his hand before grabbing a cup and filling it up with water and handing it to me. I put the pills in my mouth while chugging the water making my swallows as quiet as possible not wanting to bother Phil, I know deep down that the sounds didn't bother Phil but it bothered me and that's what matters.

"Good job, now go get ready we are going shopping for your things"

I rush upstairs into my new bedroom and being getting ready for my first day out with them all

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