- F I F T Y F I V E -

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cw/tw - underage smoking

~ Tommys pov ~

We were now sitting on a bench on a path not far from Phil's house, Beau had pulled out a packet of cigarettes and lighter from her coat pocket and grabbed two out pointing on to me.

"Want one?" She offered.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding, I had never tried one before and it's not like I had anything stopping me. As I said before the worst that could happen is I get sent back to the group home which Tubbo has told me multiple times that Phil would never do that, there's always that chance he would though.

I grabbed it off her along with the lighter, I held the cigarette over the flame and handed the lighter back to her. I put it in between my lips and inhaled the smoke coughing as it reached the back of my throat, smoke coming out of my mouth as I did so.

Beau just laughed at me and I joined in a few seconds later, I tried again and luckily it was a lot easier this time. I knew I was going to smell of it just like Wilbur did when he came back but I didn't care, I just couldn't be arsed with anything.

I was so exhausted for some reason to the point where if anything happened to me I wouldn't care, I could get in the most trouble at school or at 'home' and it still wouldn't be enough for me to care. Having no real or biological family from a young age really did change me as a person and if I possibly had a loving household growing up I would've been different but I guess I'll never actually know what that's like.

"You alright Tommy?" She pulled me out of my trance.

"Y-yeah, just thinking about things" I nod while putting the cigarette to my lips and exhaling the smoke out.

It was quite peaceful just sitting there with Beau like this, I had no care in the world while I sat there. The cigarette was quite stress relieving, I always heard teachers and adults tell us not to smoke and the dangers of it but I didn't care, I was so relaxed at that moment in time.

That relaxation was quickly disrupted by the buzzing in my pocket coming from my phone, I grab it out of my jean pocket and see Phil calling me.

I look at the time and see it says '8:23' "Shit" I groan.

"What? Who is it?" She asks.

"Phil, it's past eight he's gonna be waiting and he's gonna smell these cigarettes on me"

"I have deodorant at mine if you want it"

"That won't work Phil's not dumb I'll just face the consequences"

"Alright suit yourself" We both stood up.

I answer the phone to Phil quickly and give a quick "Hello"

"Tommy? Where are you?" He asked with slight panic in his voice

"I'm on my way now, I lost track of time sorry"

"It's fine mate don't worry where are you now?"

"Walking back now from the park I'll only be like a minute away"

"Alright I'll see you in a minute"

"Yeah bye" I take the phone away from my ear and end the call huffing as I do so.

I turn to Beau as we make it to my street "I gotta go now, I'll text you if I don't get my phone taken away"

"Alright, bye!" She smiles as I walk down the road and she walks the opposite way.

I walk down the pathway of the house and open the door to see Phil sitting down on the sofa waiting for me with the tv on.

"Hiya Tommy" He smiled while patting the cushion next to him "come sit"

I could tell he already knew something was going on. In the few weeks I've known him he's never done that or acted like this so it was obvious he knew.

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