- T H I R T Y N I N E -

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~ Tommys pov ~

I had met Tubbo at the doors of the canteen and we went inside getting something to eat, I got a bacon bap and Tubbo had his food from home.

"Are we sitting in here or do you wanna go outside?" I ask him after I purchased my food.

"Shall we go outside so we can meet up with everyone else?" Tubbo replies.

"Sure, why do they not come in here though?"

"Because they have food from home so they eat outside"

"Oh fair enough"

He nods in response as we walk through the door to get outside, we spot Jack, Ranboo and Purpled sitting down on the bench where we were yesterday so we went over to them.

Tubbo sat down whilst I stood up so I could see everyone, I liked standing up as well because I can move around more. If I sit down for too long I just get bored and it's hard for me to keep still for that amount of time.

I had just finished my food and Tubbo says "Tommy, turn around"

"What wh-" I turn around and see Jake and a group of people following him as he walked our way "What the fuck does he want?"

They all just shrug at me, I continued to just talk to them until Jake came over. I already knew what it was going to be about, he was probably going to blame me for getting caught but it wasn't actually my fault.

"You think you can go around snitching yeah?" He tries to seem tough and intimidating but he really wasn't, I was taller than him aswell by a few inches so that just made him look even less intimidating to me.

"I didn't" I chuckle.

"Yeah you did, you got me and the others in shit aswell"

"I got in shit aswell! I got suspended for almost a week how is it my fault?"

"Just scrap already!" A girl shouted.

"Innit!" Another boy shouts and pushes Jake into me which convinced him to fight me.

I waited for him to throw the first hit before fighting back. I don't remember much of it just someone pulling me off him as he was on the floor, I think it was Ranboo. Surprisingly there was no teachers yet but I'm sure they were coming.

"Yeah get your weirdo mates to pull you off fucking pussy" He said.

I pulled away from Ranboo and went back to hit him, I could see a few phones facing our way as I continued to hit him in different places. I don't know what came over me, I think all the anger that was building up inside of me had finally came out and I couldn't hold back.

I heard teachers trying to clear people away as well as another trying to pull me off him but I didn't care I just continued to hit him, this never usually happened. Of course I've been in fights before but I've never fought like this before, more people started gathering around.

I felt someone pull me off completely off of the boy, I was out of breath. As I look behind me I see a certain pinkette holding me, he looked disappointed but he wasn't actually. I could see a slight smirk plastered on his face, I look back to Jake on the floor and see him with a bloody nose.

"Good Job Tommy" He whispered to me before the teachers took me away.


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