~ O N E H U N D R E D & T H I R T Y N I N E -

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cw/tw - binge eating & abuse

~ third person pov ~

it had been almost since tommy had eaten all that food and it's only gotten worse, he was doing the same thing everyday but the quantity just increased every time.

christmas was only in a week and he was so worried, he doesn't like eating in front of people and that's what he'd have to be doing. he didn't even want to be with these people for christmas, he wanted to be with phil, techno and wilbur.

along with that he had been hit almost everyday by lisa and steve somehow still doesn't know, he was just praying that one day he would notice that small limp every day or when he would grab his ribs as he laughed but he didn't. that was until today.

"what's up with you tommy, you hurt yourself?"

"um y-yeah" he stutters "i'm fine"

"you sure? let me check it out, what did you do?"

"no it's fine steve, i didn't do anything" he pushed him away "don't worry"

"tommy is someone hurting you?"

"n-no" he put his head to his hand "why would you think that?"

tommys vision was soon covered by black spots and steve quickly grabbed him as he lost his balance, slowly placing him down on the carpet and after trying to wake him up he decided on pulling his phone out of his pocket. he dialled 999 and after a few rings someone answered.

"999 what's your emergency?" the operator says.

"um my nephew, he's passed out and he won't wake up, i think somethings wrong with his chest, he was in pain but he wouldn't tell me!"

"alright sir i need you to stay calm, how old is your nephew and how long has he been out for?"

"he's thirteen" his breathing was heavy "he's been out for about a minute and i tried to wake him up but he won't, what do i do?"

"alright sir what's your name?"


"alright steve, the paramedics are on their way so in the mean time i need you to check that he is breathing by going near his face and try to feel his breath"

steve put the phone on the floor and put his face next to tommys, thankfully he could hear his breaths. he put the phone back up to his ear and responding "he's breathing!"

"alright what i need you to do now is elevate his legs about thirty centimetres"

steve followed her instructions and a few seconds later he heard someone entering the room which was the paramedics.

"step aside sir please" a paramedic instructed.

"okay" he nodded as he stood up and talking to the operator "thank you so much, they're here now"

"you're welcome sir, goodbye"


the call was ended and steve's phone was shoved into his pocket, he watched as tommy was lifted on the stretcher and carried out the house. he followed behind them and got into the ambulance with them.

he looked over to where tommys school shirt had been unbuttoned and saw bruises planted all over his torso, he was so concerned for him.

"what's happened to him? why are there bruises?" steve panics.

"we don't know sir, please wait until the we get to the hospital until we get answers"

"alright" he nods as he holds back the tears in his eyes.


have a good weekend and don't
forget to vote!! <33

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