- N I N E T Y O N E -

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cw/tw - mentions of abuse

~ tommys pov ~

"tommy!" phil shouted from the bottom of the stairs "puffys here!"

"okay, i'm coming now!" i shout back while putting my phone down.

i knew exactly why puffy was here, she was going to be giving me some news on when i could leave and move into my new 'forever home'. i'm not sure why they call it that, it's more daunting then exciting, i'm sure they think it's exciting but it's not. it's more nerve racking than anything.

"hi tommy" puffy greets me as i go into the living room.

"when am i going?" i ask instead of taking time to get to the point like she usually does.

"that's why i'm here actually"

"i know so can you tell me"

"tommy stop being so pushy" phil interrupted.

"alright but i just wanna know" i shrug.

"it's fine" puffy smiles "i spoke to lisa and steve and they're happy for you to move whenever you're ready we just need to get the papers signed"


"yes" she nods "whenever you want to, you can go"

"so when will the papers be signed?"

"well if you're ready to leave then it should be tomorrow"

"cool, shall i pack then or what?"

"if you want to but i haven't got a date yet so you might not want to"

"well you said i could move in whenever and whenever can be now cant it?"

"yes but i didn't mean right now, i need to authorise the adoption papers then you should be all good to go"

"alright let me know when that happens then" i sigh "i'm going upstairs"

"do you want anything to eat?" phil calls after me.

"no thanks, i'm good"

i didn't look at phil the whole time, it was too awkward for me. i felt bad that i was leaving, i know it happens all the time and i usually had no problem facing the foster parents i leave but they usually kick me out or i get taken back for safety reasons so it's different this time.

this family genuinely cared for me and i was about to leave them, so quickly as well. there was nothing i could do, i mean lisa and steve are my biological family and they will always come first. although i'd rather live with the watsons i know i've got to go, it's not like i was cutting contact off with them either. i would still be able to message them, they all have my phone numbers.

i grab my phone and go to my window sill, i had never tried it before in this house but i decided to climb out of it. there was a brick wall right next to my window so i decided to climb out of it and surprisingly it worked, no one notice. at least i think they didn't notice.

i head out of the estate and go on a little wander which probably wasn't the best idea because last time i did this i ended up lost but at least this time i had my phone i guess. i continue to walk until i come across the place me and beau were at and to my surprise she was sitting on that bench.

"hey beau" i walk up to her.

"oh hi tommy how are you?" she smiles.

"i'm alright thanks, i'm moving soon though"

"i thought you said you had a few weeks"

"yeah but it's been pushed forward and the papers are getting signed tomorrow so i could be gone by next week"

"that sucks"

"yeah i know" i sigh "can i tell you something? you can't tell anyone else either"

she nods "yeah of course"

"i don't want to go"

"how come? i thought you did"

"yeah i did but now it's coming to it i don't want to, i'm scared that if i go to a new home they'll hurt me"

"but they were nice right? plus they're family they wouldn't want to hurt you"

"they were all nice" i sigh holding back tears "then a few days later they're hitting you and you're practically fighting for your life and i don't want to go back to that, i'm finally safe with phil and i don't want that to stop, i hate change"

"you'll be okay, i don't know what you've been through so i can't say 'i know how you feel' but i'm always here for you and you have my phone number as well if you need me when you're gone"

"thanks beau, i appreciate it" i smile as a tear goes down my cheek "can we sit in silence now?"

"of course" she chuckles.

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