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The next morning I wake up with a headache, all the crying last night took a toll on me. I knew he wasn't going to be easy but what I  did not know is that he would go to this extent to hurt me.
What was my fault Zaan?  All I wanted was for you to love me back the way I do. Why are you making this so difficult for me?

Come on Noorie, there is no time for self pity right now. Get up and smash the day. You cannot give up this easily. Remember your promise. With that new determination I walked into his bedroom to remove his clothes for the day, I see he is still sleeping on his bed. If he does not get up now he will be late for his office so I take his phone and set an alarm for 10 minutes later, then choose his kerchief and perfume for the day along with his watch. I go into the kitchen seeing Riyana is already there

"Good morning Riyana! Let's make breakfast, yeah?"

"Morning, ma'am! Waiting for your instructions next."

With that, I cook with Riyana telling me how to do it mostly. Darn it! Should have listened to Mama when she said she would teach me cooking. Things would have been easy now.

We finish cooking as soon as possible and then I rush out of the house asking her to make sure Zaan goes after eating.
I can't face him right now, I need time to think things through. How am I going to deal with his stubbornness? How exactly am I going to work on make him realise adultery is a sin?

With my jumbled thoughts I reach college and park my car. I am walking towards my morning class, Ashfa told me she would meet me there.

"Noorie, hey!! Wait, Noorie!", I hear a loud voice from behind and stop. I turn around, Rizwaan is waving from the corridor I just passed. He has two more guys with him that I recognisw from the freshers party.

He introduced me to them, the tall one with turquoise eyes is Ahad and the muscly guy is Asad. I smile politely.

"Noorie, the girls and are going to the theater today after classes. Will you join us?" I have never been to watch a movie before.

"I am not sure. Umm..."

"Come on Noorie. Don't be a spoilsport now. Let's have fun, loosen up will ya?"

"Alright, if you insist."

"Cool, let's all meet up here after classes."

I wave at them and start walking towards the class. I used to inform mom if I am hanging out. I don't want to call Zaan now. So let's stick to texting him about the plans. In case, he gets worried.

'Hey, I made movie plans with college friends. We will be there at the Orchid Mall for three to four hours probably. I will be late.'

That should be fine. All day long, I didn't focus much on the lectures. All I could hear was Zaan's voice echoing in my head. He is turned off when he looks at me. That might me the worst a wife has ever heard from her husband.

Why are you so difficult Zaan? Why can't you just see me for who I am? I know I dress conservatively but that's just how it's supposed to be.

Forget about it Noorie. Take a break from all the thinking. Let's try enjoying college life.

Just as decided we head towards the mall. This is one of the biggest movie theaters of the city so most people prefer it. The movie turned out be a rom-com. Great, just what I needed for a break.

Rizwaan paid for my snacks, even though I insisted he doesn't have to he was too stubborn. He even held my hands just so I couldn't get the the money out of my purse. How childish! But I need to agree he is a gentleman.

Anyway, now that I am back at home I need to focus on how to appeased husband. Just wait Mr.Durrani until I sweep you off your feet.

I make dinner by myself entirely with Riyana interrupting here and there when I would go wrong. Most of it was how Zaan likes. I also got the maid to clean his room because I know very well he doesn't like workers in his room when he is around.

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