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Mahira Khan.

The moment I spot him, I close the distance between Mohsin and me. If he was surprised, he did not show it. Sometimes I envied his control over his expressions. Not one muscle in his body twitches against his command.

I clasp my hands with his, his fingers are cold for a summer night, I unconsciously rub them with mine to transfer heat. I need to look like I am in deep love with him, so I raise my head and turn it towards him with a shy smile and the moment our eyes clash, all about the act is forgotten.

His mesmerising hazel with specks of golden snatch my breath away and his manly spice cologne blurs all my thoughts. Ever since I entered the hall, dressed like a doll my brain was running like it is in a marathon with anxiety, fear and excitement all of which numbed with only one glance at him. Oh Mohsin! Only if you knew the kind of impact you had on me.

He slightly raises a questioning eyebrow, probably puzzled at my public display of affection. I tug at his hand that was in mine so he is facing me sideways, his impeccable tuxedo slightly creasing as he bends towards me.

"Play along, he is here." I whisper and it sounded sensual even to my own ears. Like when did I become this seductive. Focus on the task at hand Hira! For a fleeting moment I saw it, the hardening of his jaw and frowning brows. But then it was gone, like it didn't just happen.

I wanted to ask him if he comfortable with this proximity, he clearly hates my guts so it must be difficult for him to deal with me being close. For some reason, it sends a pang across my heart.

"Congratulations you two. My Monu is finally completely hitched." I turn towards Sana appi, seeing her grinning face after a long time. She stays in Greece with her husband and not to forget is Mohsin's elder sister.

I hear a groan from beside me. He looks so cute with a scrunched face as another sound of protest leaves his throat,"Appi! When will you stop calling me with that childish name?"

She laughs, patting his cheek which seems to irritate him more. It is a shock how he doesn't bat an eye to my antics but the moment he is between his family, he becomes that cute , pampered little boy.

Monu. Nice name. I smirk internally, new weapon.

After appi goes down stage, I again sight the bastard among gents section talking with someone. My smile drops, it takes everything within me to stop from lashing out on him right now. It's not just about dad's reputation now, I am also representing the Baigs hereafter. So I need to be extra careful. From the corner of eyes, I see him heading towards the stage. Time for getting the plan in motion.

"Mohsin. Kiss my cheeks, now", I whisper hurriedly.

"In your wildest dreams" His stoic expression is intact and his tone hard. Like, does he get this "No emotions" alert when I am around?

I turn towards him, smiling mischievously.
"Monu! You kiss me now or I shout your nickname in public" Even before my words are over, I feel a pair of soft, warm lips on my forehead. Peace. A soothing music erupts in my ears blurring out all the noise in the world. I realise I have unconsciously closed my eyes to feel his touch deeper, when his fingers mildly stroke my cheekbone. A subtle smile overtakes my features as I inhale his scent.

The moment is short lived, as I sense his withdrawal and almost whimper at the loss of contact. How I wish he kept me engulfed in those strong arms forever.

Danger. Danger.

I open my eyes and to my utter disappointment, they land on the bastard. He has a pained expression on his face as he stands a few feet away from us, from his red eyes it is clear he saw the scene just now. Utmost satisfaction rings through me as I make out his helpless stance. That's how I had felt three years ago, only with a bigger intensity. I avert my eyes from him as he begrudgingly steps forward, trying to smile through gritted teeth.

I don't know I had clutched Mohsin's hand until he wiggled it out of my hold. No. I need to hold something, so I grab his hands again toghtly, threading my fingers through his. My anger is rising each moment that Amir stays in my vicinity. I did not imagine his presence would have this much impact on me.

"Congratulations on your big day." Amir  says through gritted teeth with a fake smile. He keeps his eyes solely on me, not once looking at Mohsin. His gaze says it all, how he already regrets leaving me behind but for some reason that guilt does not ease my pain. Infact, it doesn't affect me. Maybe this is what people call moving on.

Because I clearly remember, one crease on his forehead and I would move worlds to bring back his smile. And today, guilt is dripping off his face like honey from a comb but all I can think about is the control my body is exercising due to Mohsin's touch. Otherwise, there was no chance I would be this calm on facing the monster of my dreams face up again.

I just nod at him, looking ahead as he reluctantly puts his hand forward for Mohsin to shake. I look up at Mohsin to see a calm expression on his face and he even goes to give a subtle smile to Amir and I can't say who is more shocked, Amir or me?

Amir turns around after handing us a bouquet going back down. I release the breath I was unknowingly holding, I did not know I had it in me to stop myself from lashing out.

The rest of the time is a blur as I delve deeper into the reactions of my brain. An army of people walk past us after congratulating us with a gift and in a rare case click a picture with us. I don't make out clearly who all of them are, it is all a blur.

But the one thing I remember vividly is my hand resting in his larger, rough one through out the rest of the event.

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