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Mahira Khan.

I climb out of the car and quickly pay the driver his fare. I look up towards the building which has a huge plate with "CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION" written in bold.

Inspite of being in this very building innumerable times before, I can't put it past myself to remain cool. Because this is not a random visit to my dad while I am bored, this is a discreet meeting with the Group-A Officer himself. And his obnoxious 'I am a prick' attitude doesn't help.

I pray to all the Holy lords above, please grant me strength to deal with him.

I walk steadily towards the entrance waving at the security guard I have grown up to call chachu. I swipe my daughter's card at the reception and Lucy looks at me sceptically. Of course she knows dad is on leave today. His blood pressure shot up two days ago, so he is on a week's leave. Hence, the gathering yesterday with the Baigs about my Rukhsati.

I give her my infamous mischievous smile and she quickly catches on to the fact that I am up-to something. Her eyes widen in fear, the last time I gave her this smile was when some important documents related to a criminal family went missing from headquarters.

That's a story for another day.

"Hira! Not again, it was a ruckus the last time. You only thwarted legal actions against you because your dad happened to be the head of the branch." She whisper yelled at me trying to push me out of the doors. I shake my head, trying to dodge her hold.

"Lucy, babe this time there won't be a problem. I am just here to meet Officer Baig. He is in his cabin right?"

Her eyes widen more in disbelief if that was possible. Her mouth opens and shuts like a fish out of water. I would have chuckled at that if I wasn't in a dire situation right now. After a few more minutes of reeling in her shock she finally raises her hand pointing towards the elevator.

"7th floor right?" I confirm and she nods.

I rush into the elevator pressing the button for 7th floor.

Once the double door to his cabin opens, I feel the ice cold atmosphere immediately. He looks up at me without any change in his features. He is as static as a rock embedded in the crust. I want to roll my eyes at his nonchalance but I can't afford to be in his bad books right now, If I am already not there that is.

I choose to play safe, "Assalamualaikum!" and also add a smile to enhance effects.

His perfectly arched eyebrow raises as if he can see past my act. Darn it! His seat pulls back slightly as he bends away from the table as if on a break.

What was Papa thinking while choosing this arrogant prick to be my substitute husband? I don't let my irritation reflect on my face as I settle myself on the chair right across from him.

"Who said you can sit?" And I fall into a trance after hearing that voice. There is just something about his voice that piques my curiosity.

"Were you a born jerk or it's an acquired trait?" I retort with a condescending smile. If he was surprised by my venomous tone, he didn't show it. Not a even a muscle twitched in his splendidly designed face.

"Who said I am obliged to answer you?" He sneers looking around the room as if looking at me is the worst possible thing that could happen.

"Nobody said anything about anyone. Now if the preliminary enquiry is over can we come to the point? Look Mohsin, I know what I am asking of you is big and there is nothing in it for you but just help me out this once." I keep my tone as emotionless as possible because I know the hatred I hold for Amir will cloud my judgement.

This time his eyes scrutinise my face with a penetrating gaze, I have seen that a lot. When Papa is dealing with suspected criminals, he wears this look.

"I have better business than playing man and wife with you for some petty revenge." His condescending tone for some reason hurts me and digs deeper wounds than I thought was possible for him.

"Mohsin lis..."

"Officer Baig!" His sharp tone cuts through the air freezing me for a moment. How is it possible for someone to be this cold?

His deadly gaze is struck on my hand now, that is clutching my phone tighter. That's what I do when I am anxious. Maybe I underestimated Mohsin. He is tougher to crack than I assumed.

He stands up from his seat and my breath hitches at his sculpted figure. When did he go from that lanky boy with braces to this masculine, malevolent creature?

That when I notice his blue T shirt and black denims with sneakers. He looks too young to be an officer in his casuals. Well, he is indeed young. At 24, people barely graduate and this man right here has already got his bachelors, cleared his UPSC exam and is working with the CBI for three years now.

I stare like a creep at his toned back as he walks to the door ordering someone outside to get a coffee. I turn around before he does and finds out I was checking him out.

"With the way you just eye raped me, I doubt if you want to keep this marriage just for revenge." His subtle smirk for some reason doesn't miss my eyes and my damn cheeks decided it was a good time to blush.

Fuck it. This was not how it was supposed to happen. We are not supposed to enter this flirt zone. So I try the one card I know will surely work.

"Stop it Mohsin. You know you are five years younger than me right? I take you for a younger brother." I internally cringe at my cheap comeback and if his stiffened body is some indication, it worked just fine.

The change in his behavior is noticeable with the way his hands clench into a fist and stops in his steps. He turns on his heels staring me down like I am a bitch. Can I blame him?

"Nothing. I am nothing to you and you happen to be a nobody to me. So you better get out of here before I call the security on you." His harsh tone scares me there for a moment. But anger overpowers me as my nostrils flare, "Don't you dare raise your voice at me Mr.Baig! I am the daughter of the man who heads this entire damn institution. And second thing, I am your wife and the Rukhsati will take place with or without your will. Rok sako to roklo."

I am done playing sweet with him. If he thinks his dominance will get him my subjugation, he has got another bloody surprise coming.

Before I completely get out of the door, I am captured in two sturdy rough hands, electricity runs through my veins like it's blood and I am paralysed to say the least. My own breathing  sounds like a whoosh of air running into my system, every nerve tip on my skin is hyperactive.

His both hands are holding mine in a tight grip near my biceps, I know it is an innocent touch to stop my movements, so I might have gone batshit crazy to feel these weird sensations all throughout my body, especially in my belly as my back comes in contact with his hard as steel front. I involuntarily close my eyes, my motor nerves transmitting every skin to skin contact to my brain.
When I feel his fingertips caressing my skin close to my elbow and how it sends my adrenaline on overdrive, I realise my rational thinking has lost on me.

It could not be possible in a million years that I feel his caress. So I know I have finally lost it.

Just day two, and you have grabbed my sanity Mohsin Baig, what exactly is about to come?

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