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Mahira Khan.

Some stories are not meant to be,
Some endings are inevitable,
Some mysteries remain unsolved,
Some truths are unbearably bitter,
Some answers are not supposed to be!!

Pain and pleasure run parallel to each other, the only problem is when you can not make out which one is disguised as the other. It is a horrendous realisation when the bitter truth comes face to face with you. Only now do I realise as I am sprawled here, with scattered hair and a confused heart, that I was stupid to not see the obvious. Mohsin Baig is another name for my forever. And how long did my idiotic self take to realise the ultimate, colossal truth??

I lower my eyelids again, thinking and thinking hard as to why I keep thinking about said man. Hazel eyes, jet black hair, slender fingers or taut muscles? Which among these was the deal breaker?

"Fiery temper, sharp eyesight and the care under his cold words", answers my inner self.

And then the process starts all over again. I exhale an exhausted sigh, as my brain again goes back to thinking how perfect Mohsin annoying Baig is. This is a cycle, I deduce. Wherein it starts with me gazing in space and picturising the enchanting hazels with specks of golden and then it goes to his smooth, husky voice and finally I loose my marbles over his beautiful, fluffy lips. Now how do I know about his lips, one may ask? That's the least of your worries when you have spent an entire night creeping on a sleeping man. As embarrassing as it sounds, a stronger force within me is fighting to say it is my right. Every little detail about the masterpiece that is Mohsin Baig, is marvellously exquisite. And I would move worlds to stare at what is lawfully mine.

Mine. The one word I never expected myself to associate with him. It has been a full 48 hours since I last conversed with him, which unfortunately was when he in his usual harsh tone said I was a guest. And what could hurt more than your own husband implying you are a guest. As I recall his damned words again, I feel like hitting his head against a wall. That jerk needs to realise I ain't leaving him anytime soon.

Why, you traitor heart? Out of the gazillion something male species, and at least a few thousand of them with amazing features, why did you have to choose the most annoying of them all??

I straighten myself on the bed, trying to tame my wild hair as I hear rustling behind me and then comes the surplus of adrenaline rush in my veins, confirming it is indeed my husband that entered the room.

"Are you done with your moping? I would rather come home to an empty room than one housing a wailing witch. Like, I am amazed with your level of stupidity. When do you plan to stop ruining your life over an asshole, a criminal minded one at that?" His anger seems to rise by the time he reaches his last sentence.

I turn my head away from him, not in the least bit surprised with his mockery. If there's one thing Mohsin freaking Baig loves to do with me, it is to sass me. "I am not upset over that asshole. I don't care about him anymore" , I grumble under my breath trying to stop myself from snapping at him.

"Woah! Now that's news to me. I never thought I would hear those golden words until I was breathing my last, and would demand those words from you as my dying wish." comes his ever sarcastic reply. I turn around glaring at him, pinning him with my hateful gaze. Why does he make as simple a thing as staying normal and not losing my shit, so damn difficult? I stomp closer, if his hazels are intense, then my blacks are no less.

"What do you want Mohsin? Agreed, I should not have dedicated so much time to avenge Amir..." Before I even finish, my shoulders are grabbed by his strong hands and I step into the infamous Baig trance, where all you can see is Mohsin, all you can hear is Mohsin, all you can feel is Mohsin.

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