
9K 231 1

"The Sarpanch of Vijayapet Janab Raheem Khan demands compensation for the loss of his jewel." The spokesperson from Vijayapet speaks out among the twenty something men.

The crease lines on forehead and slumped shoulders of Saleem Raziulla Patel adding to the tense air are proof enough this peace treaty is not going to be a piece of cake.

"Sarjung is fully apologetic for the loss of Vijayapet and provides our condolences to the Sarpanch and his family."

"We don't need your God damned condolences. We need payback and that too immediately." A dominant voice booms in the middle. His aura oozing abundant power, his chocolate brown eyes focused solely on the culprit in his eyes, the Sarpanch of Sarjung.

Although, there is little direct conversation between the concerned parties, when it does occur it's between the authorities. Inspite of that, nobody dares raise an eyebrow against Asad Raheem Khan, the elder and the only remaining son of Raheem Khan.

The authority comes naturally to him, the anger laced with his tone adds to the impact his words create. At six feet two inches, he is the epitome of pure masculine display. His sharp nose, a perfect jawline and piercing chocolate brown orbs are the reason he is a dream for many. He makes sure he leaves people in a trance as they witness his presence, no matter the gender.

That is when the Sarpanch of Sarjung steps in, "We do regret what went down with Fahad Khan but it was unintentional. I hope you consider our point of view."

"It was planned and nothing else." His tone rising an octave, Asad's haggard features turn murderous at the nonchalance of the Sarpanch.

"We are here to find a middle ground. I request both parties to cooperate. Mr.Patel, we ask of you what compensation could you provide to call it a truce?"

"Let's follow the age old practice of handing over a daughter from Sarjung in marriage to their son. That way, Vijayapetis becomes our relatives and we can extend a hand of friendship for business matters." Sarpanch Saleem speaks clearly.

Ahad's anger knows no bounds at the absurd appeal. What does a marriage have to do with them killing his brother? Before he can spell his disapproval, Sarpanch Raheem stops him with a wave and puts forth his two cents.

"If a daughter from their home will be sent to ours to call it a truce, I demand the daughter be from Sarpanch Saleem's blood. We lost our heir, it's only fair his own daughter comes home. If he agrees, his daughter will be married to my elder son Asad Khan."

The coordinator indulges in a discussion with Sarpanch Saleem and gives the final verdict.

"Sarpanch Saleem has agreed to the demand and wishes to carry out the Nikaah today itself so this ends here. Thus, we conclude the peace treaty and ask of both parties to not create anymore ruckus for the other in the name of revenge. Meeting ends here." And thus came into life the tale of two oblivious individuals Asad Raheem Khan and Hooriya Saleem Patel.

Sarjung and Vijayapet, two rival villages. If one is ice, the other is fire. If one is river, the other is wind. Both competing in all fields of life and striving to win against each other. The hatred was being passed down to the upcoming generations as part of inheritance.

Their respective borders are always under police patrolling to avoid any kind of chaos. Sarjung is governed by the brooding Sarpanch (Village head)
Saleem Raziulla Patel, the man renowned for his stern ways with the law. Sarjung was always more on the conservative side of Islam. Following stringent measures to keep their women away from the preying eyes, Sarjung doesn't approve of the liberal rights of women and their Sarpanch happens to be the biggest preacher of it.

Whereas Vijayapet is on the liberal side, focussing on gender equality while still preserving their culture. Their Sarpanch, Raheem Khan is the modern leader that the residents adore. He has made sure the people are content with the administration and put to use his American degree in Engineering in the renovation of their village. There is next to nothing that he hasn't been able to resolve for his people, but the one thing he has been pursuing for years now and failing at is to draw a peace call with their rival neighbor Sarjung.

In the past years, the trade in Vijayapet has been affected due to non-cooperation from the Sarjung residents as the goods have to bypass their city to reach Vijayapet. This had lead to violent clashes between the poeple, and no appropriate middle ground has been reached that could satisfy both parties. That was when the younger son of Raheem Khan, Fahad Khan stepped in to help. While he had been on a secret visit to Vijayapet trying to find an alternate way to help the traders, the Sarjungis had violently jumped in on the discovery that a Vijayapeti had entered their land and had beaten him black and blue.

He breathed his last while he was being brought back to Vijayapet for immediate medical attention. That's when the war began, people of Vijayapet bombing their public places as part of revenge for killing their heir.

So the government called for a peace treaty between the two villages where it was decided that a daughter from Sarjung would be married to the elder son of Raheem Khan as means to end the century old rivalry marking the union of two villages by means of a royal wedding that will be the talk of town for the months to come.

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