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Mahira Khan.

"Nobody, absolutely nobody dares talk to me in that tone Ms.Khan. Mind it, you are no exception!" He whispers in my ear, his hot breath hitting the hair at my nape. And I felt it, the damn coiling of my stomach like I am on a rollercoaster.

Ms.Khan? I will show him exactly what are my initials. I tug my hands away from his hold, walking to the further end to create as much space between us as possible. For lack of better words, I would say it is for my own sanity.

"No! You mind it Mohsin Baig. Until now, I was trying to be pleasant just because I thought you have no fault in this. But guess what, suckers like you don't get the simple language. I will not have anything come in the way of my well planned revenge. Not even you. " With that I rush outside the room, I have no idea why I was feeling clogged up in his vicinity but it is what it is.

Now I have to deal with one more issue, why does my life not get any simpler.

I pull my phone out as I wait for my Uber driver to pick me up, swiping on Umer's number.

He picks on the third ring, "Well, how did her highness think of me this early in the morning?"

"Umer, I don't have time for this. Tell me what's the update?" I keep my voice low looking around if someone is spying.

"Yep! He is on the plane back home. He has settled most of his deals in Florida meaning he is coming back for the long haul. I also discovered his return has something to do with his mother's deteriorating health. What is your plan exactly?" I like it when he gets completely professional when it's time for work.

So the bastard is arriving. I need to make it fast.

"Torture. Every millisecond of the pain my parents and I went through because of his pussy self deserting the venue will be paid for. There is no plan Umer, there is only payback. Tear for tear, insults for insults, and hate for love." I realise the cup of coffee that I had grabbed on the way just got spilt due to me squeezing it. That's what he fucking does to me, I still lose hold over my senses when I recall of him.

Flashes of my wedding day run before me and my breathing goes uneven.
Tears brim my eyes and I can hear Umer mumbling something on the other side but it's not clear. My vision blurs due to the moisture in my eyes, the next thing I know I am being swung across the air and finally land on something hard.

I am startled with the sudden push and wipe my eyes quickly looking around. I turn towards a car when I hear the screeching of breaks, it had swerved slightly out of the lane. Something forces me up from behind and that's when I realize I was lying on Mohsin all this while.

Did... Did he just take the fall for me? Or am I dreaming? I hurriedly look up at his face to see it scrunched, he is giving death glares to the driver who just now got down. The driver seems least bit affected and stares at me with disgust.

"If you want to die, choose a faster method miss. Don't be vile enough to destroy another man's life along with yours." He spits staring at me and the next thing I see Mohsin hovering over him as if he is about to punch. He speaks something to him that is not audible to me and by the changing expressions on the driver's face I know he is being threatened.

Mohsin pulls out his phone and before he presses some buttons, I see the driver running towards me.

"I am extremely sorry Mrs.Baig, I was driving carelessly. It is all my fault. Please forgive me." His pleading eyes take me by shock because just seconds ago he was blaming me. Nevertheless I tell him it's not his fault and ask him to leave.

After he leaves and the hustle bustle of the place resumes, I pick my now broken phone walking towards Mohsin who seems to be in a trance. I place my hand on his shoulders and he turns to me, his empty eyes back in full form.

What were you expecting Hira? Him to ask if I am fine? Nice joke.

"Thanks for saving me. I appreciate your help." Although we are married in papers, he has no obligations towards me so I admire his humanity.

He rolls his eyes at my words. The hell! He just rolled his eyes at me. Irritation replaces whatever gratitude I was feeling, and I feel like banging his head somewhere.

"I should get going." Shit. My phone is off so the uber driver probably won't be able to get my location.

"I am leaving anyway. Get into my car" He says walking towards what I know is their parking lot. Five minutes he comes out in his SUV and I climb into it without protesting. There is no meaning in protesting when it's clear I need a lift.

I know I don't have to tell him the address to dad's place so I rest my throbbing temples on the seat closing my eyes. I was about to get into an accident and Mr.Hotshot saved me, before that I got into a heated debate with him about the marriage. And what's more? Amir will be back, at the exact place he left me alone three years ago. All of this is too much to process.

" Are you nuts? Who walks in the middle of the road and stands there like a fool for someone to ride over you?" His sharp mocking voice breaks my trance and I focus on his deep hazel eyes watching my moves carefully. I shrug, hoping he doesn't find out what I was thinking at that time. I avert my gaze pretending to be interested in the passing trees.

"Do you want revenge so bad that you can't even see you are losing yourself in the process?" I lift my surprised gaze towarss him, my own eyebrows raising in shock.

"So Baigs can talk sense as well?" He doesn't miss the sarcasm as he shakes his head. When the car stops at the signal, he turns slightly towards me. His eyes still empty, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

I give him a wounded look, bracing for a lecture I am about to give.

"You don't know what it feels like to be left stranded, by the one person you trusted your deepest secrets with. You don't know the first thing about betrayal, about how useless you feel when your feeling aren't reciprocated. So you better not give me this bullshit. Optimism is good only for the books."

Even with overflowing emotions I can notice the way his jaw clenched, but I don't get what's ticking him off. Me arguing back or him being dragged into this.

" I might not know what it is like to be left alone, but I sure as hell have tasted betrayal at its deepest Mahira Altaf Khan! It fucks up your brain like bullets have been fired there and clogs up your chest until you can't breathe. And trust me when I tell you, you are the last person who is supposed to be talking about feelings."

I can only gasp at his usual harsh tone but there is also a pinch of accusation in it. The one person I thought was emotionless just turned out to be one of those wounded by emotions.

I stare at him through the rest of the journey, trying to piece together all that I have gathered so far about this weirdly enigmatic man.

One day, one day I will have you figured out Mohsin Baig.

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