Unwavering Love

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Danish Mustafa with Nazanin Abbas.

Born together and grown up attached to the hip, Danish Mustafa and Nazanin Abbas are the two sides of the same coin. There has never been a moment in their life that they have spent apart, even when they entered the world it was just a five minutes of gap between their births, with Danish coming out ahead.

Now at eighteen and married for a solid eight years, they seem to puke their guts out at the idea of being associated as man and wife. They can never think of the other in a romantic way, they are more of siblings that grew up together. They always knew they were meant to be, but just as best friends.

With Danish shielding his precious Niny from every harm, she hasn't ever known what hardship looks like. He has spoilt her rotten, her wish is his ultimatum. So far, he has protected her like a bodyguard. But will he be able to shield her from the upcoming heartbreak?

Hi there pretty ladies, clutch your hearts tightly because one thing I can promise you is your heart is about to run away, in leaps and bounds. Each one of you will be spellbound with our Dani.

Disclaimer: Danish Mustafa is a fictional character and any attempt to find him in real life will be a waste. Not my fault if you can't land a man like that for yourself😂

On a serious note, I need lots of comments on what you think about this new plot. I am sceptical about a best friends to lovers romance, so I will only proceed if you guys want to read this.

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