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Mahira Khan.

I stir in my slumber irritated at the interruption of my blissful sleep. Before I even open my eyes, I can hear a loud conversation amongst familiar voices.

One, I am certain belongs to Dad."What happened between you guys? That Hira had to starve herself, if it was a serious issue why didn't you consult us? ", Dad's voice bellowed and if I am not hallucinating, he seems pissed off. I try blinking to open my eyes and see if this another parallel world.

"I.....actually.....that....", if I did not have an issue to solve right now, I would have gone into fits of laughter. What I wouldn't give to see is infamous Mohsin Baig stuttering!

"You are only increasing my suspicions, speak up before I...."

"Papa, it's not his fault. I was the one that brought this upon myself. Please don't blame Mohsin. I am ashamed of my actions. Last month when I agreed for the reception, it was with ulterior motives. I wanted to avenge the pain that Husnain put us through. In fact, I had been planning this whole thing for three years now. But we did not frame him, he was actually involved in those crimes. In all of this, I failed to realise that I was using Mohsin for my own advantage until few days ago when Phupi knocked some sense into me while I confessed the whole truth to her." My voice gets shaky recalling that horrific encounter.

"She was extremely upset with me, she still is. She believes since I did not value Mohsin while I had the chance, I do not deserve him anymore. I think so too. That was why I purposely fought with him two weeks ago, said words that I absolutely did not mean and hurt him irrevocably." I make sure to keep eye contact with him as I confess.

His face is blank, not a muscle twitching in acknowledgement. In fact, he was the one who broke eye contact first. For some reason, the tears that had gathered in my waterline begin spilling. Mom rubs my back, trying to console me and Dad sighs in disappointment. I wipe my eyes trying to finish my pathetic speech, "Mai sharminda hun Papa, khud par ghin aa rahi hai. I am sorry Mohsin, for unknowingly undermining your worth. I deserve this agony." I breathe haggardly, trying to gather myself again.

After I have stopped sniffling, the silence in the room prevails. The tension is thick and I bet nobody here knows what to say. Surprisingly, Mohsin breaks the trance, "Mamu, I knew about her intensions when I agreed to the reception. She had made it clear she needed my help and I was a willing participant. I don't see how this is entirely her fault. If she is wrong, so am I."

Papa scrutinizes us for a few more minutes in heavy, awkward silence. I am sure he is contemplating whether we should remain in this bond after this or not but no matter what he or the other family members have to say, I have made up my mind I am going to fight for Mohsin. no matter the circumstances or people, I have learnt it the hard way that i have no real life without him. I definitely wouldn't go down without a fight.

"I didn't expect such foolishness from you Mahira but what is done is done. Both of you had reasons for how you acted, even if they are senseless. Let bygones be bygones, now what you have to do with this relationship is your call. If you choose to part ways, and mind you with mutual consent, be my guest. Nobody will stop you guys, you can be free from this burden and live the rest of your life without having to see each other. Perhaps, both of you could find better partners....", the rest of his words are a blur to me.

A life without having to see Mohsin's cold, hazel eyes boring into mine, without seeing his annoying as fuck poker face and his obnoxious 'I am a prick' attitude seems impossible. Life then would be colorless, with no adventure of decoding his blank eyes, with no more fun of getting on his nerves. By the time I am back into reality, Dad has his eyebrow raised at me, mocking my lost expression. Just great! Glad he finds my misery amusing. Both of them leave us alone again, departing to fill my discharge formalities.

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