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Slience! Pure silence engulfs the humungous space as tension seeps into the air.

The only thing that is subconsciously receiving spotlight is his sturdy figure occupying the farthest seat on the sofa. He is in a black button down shirt tucked into faded jeans. His striking hazel eyes trained on the far off point in space as his slender, rough fingers span the armrest. All eyes in the room snap towards him when he clears his throat, as though the President of America is addressing the crowd.

But it doesn't affect him, he sits there without a care in the world, slowly as if he has all the time in the world he wrings his hands together, interlocking his digits as he now focuses on Altaf Khan.

"Whatever you deem fit, Sir!" His deep, arousing baritone resonates in the hall.

"Mohsin! How many times have I told you I am your uncle outside office?" His light teasing tone doesn't go unnoticed as the rest of the people crack up. Altaf Khan probably is the only man he would let joke with him. Otherwise, everything about Mohsin Baig screams respect.

His lips part in slight surprise as he gazes at him with the same blank look but with mildly dilated pupils. His left hand swipes his slightly bouncing leg to stop the motion which is the only way to tell Mohsin Baig is nervous about something and Mohsin is rarely nervous.

His eyes unwillingly travel towards unchartered territory or so he believes. If his hard face and tense muscles are anything to go by, he is not pleased to see the woman, clad in a green angrakha dress paired with contrasting golden pants and her modesty covered in a matching stole sitting atop the crown of her head.

Her gaze is trailing on the cracks and crevices in the walls, as she barely managed to keep herself calm and rush out of this suffocating environment. Something about Mohsin Baig always seemed off to her, though they have had only three to four face offs owing to the family connections, her sixth sense told her he is a mystery.

If anything, Mahira Khan hates mysteries. She had always kept it simple, from clothes to emotions she hated tangles.

She knows his eyes are scanning her, she is mature enough to know it's neither the gaze of a lover nor of a man. He is only seeing her with a calculating look of an officer. She stops from shaking her head at the crazy guy, like who even looks at his wife like that?

"Hira! Bacha I think both of you should meet up and get to know each other. I would like it if both of you make the call for this. That would be possible only if you know each other better." Mahira looks at her father not surprised at his maturity and fast skills at tackling a situation. He was always a man of honour, but he never took his daughter's free will for granted.

Mahira nods without hesitation knowing all too well her father is right. She notices from the corner of her eyes the wide smile her Siraj mamu gave her when she nodded.

She heaves a discreet sigh as her mom gestures her upstairs meaning the "meet up" is happening right now but atleast she will be out of the scrutinising gaze of the guests.

Her eyes finally land on the man in question and she again goes breathless just by looking at him. Every dip of his abs is visible through his tight fitted shirt and his two upper open buttons only add to the torture. She is usually not much inquisitive about looks but something about Mohsin Baig is just too big a sin to not notice him.

He doesn't spare her a glance as he begins threading his way through the hall and onto the stairs, he pauses only on reaching the huge balcony on the first floor lined by pots of plants. His half white half wheatish skin glistens under the boring sunlight.

"Speak!" He commands like he is on field. She scrunches her brows in confusion at his rude, bossy tone.

"Mohsin, are you pissed off about something?" She speaks trying to stray away from snapping.

"Don't! Don't take my name with your filthy mouth." His voice grows only harsher. Mahira quickly gathers this is going to be a tough game, with a brooding jackass to deal with, her revenge plan just got a whole lot complicated.

"I am not your servant. I refuse to be treated like garbage when I am confident I have done nothing to hurt your huge ass ego. Watch the tone, Baig!" Her soft aura long gone as she struggles to calm down.

He turns around facing her, his accusing hazel eyes boring holes in her head. The next moment, they turn blank as he shrugs carelessly. A smug smirk adorns his thin pink lips as he notices her irritation.

"Whatever happened three years ago was a lapse of judgement on your part. Why should I be the scapegoat in your chaos?" He snarls at her looking away from her as though it's beneath him to keep her in his line of sight.

She breathes deeply, counting till ten in her head before she focuses on the intimidating guy before her.

"I understand Mohsin. I know you got stuck in the choas. Please just go with the flow, I will end this marriage soon.  For now, please just do what dad says." She pleads walking around to stand before him but he still wouldn't look at her.

He shakes his head, as if too annoyed to be part of this drama. Still, he rotates on his heel, walking towards the door he entered from. Just before he walks out, he stops turning slightly to face her.

"I will not be part of your stupid revenge plan Ms.Khan. Whatever happened between you and your lover boy three years ago and what is happening now is none of my concern. I saved your honour then but I refuse to be part of this stupidity anymore. So you better tell your father you are taking a divorce. " He clearly heard her gasp bit not bothering with her anymore, he struts out with a knowing smirk.

He knows what is going on in her head.

How did he find out about her revenge plan against that fucker? When even her own father doesn't know about it.

Well, Mahira Khan is about to find out  Mohsin Baig is the infamous youngest officer for a reason. Nothing misses his sharp eyes and quick brain. Especially not the one woman he finds intriguing. The fire of hate is so bright in her eyes, and what else could be the logical reason for her to remain in this meaningless bond for three years when she doesn't feel anything for him.

Once he is out of her sight, Mahira's head spins at the turn of events. She feels like banging her head for underestimating Mohsin. Perhaps because he was younger than her by five years. But she made a blunder, he is way smarter than his age.

"Just who are you Mohsin Baig?" She whispers to the passing winds and rustling leaves lost in her own thoughts.

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