Chapter 14

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St. Freya, 3rd POV

Ray was walking in the hallway, when he suddenly sees Fu Hua at the garden. He walked to her and greet her, she greet him back.

Ray : “Fu Hua, what are you doing here ?”

Fu Hua : “I was just looking at the flowers, it reminded me a memory from the past.”

Ray : “I see... Hey, Fu Hua.”

Fu Hua : “Yeah, Ray ?”

Ray :”Can you tell me you... Tell me your past ?”

Fu Hua opens her mouth, but no words came out. She closed her mouth, she looked at Ray that’s right in front of her. Ray just stares at her, but with a sad expression. He knows that Fu Hua is hiding her past, and maybe a painful one.

Ray : “No, forget it. I’m sorry for asking.”

Fu Hua : “It’s okay, I too am sorry for hiding it.”

Ray was surprised to hear that, he didn’t expect Fu hua to easily admit that she was hiding her past.

Fu Hua : “What’s the matter ? Didn’t you already know that I always hide it ?”

Ray : “Yeah... But that was just an conclusion I made, it’s not like there’s a proof or anything.”

Fu Hus : “I see, can you tell me how you got that conclusion ?”

Ray : “Well, you always avoid the topic about the past. When it’s just once or twice, that’s okay. But, when you avoid it so often, it will get suspicious. So, I ask Theresa if she know something about it.”

Fu Hua : “And, what did Theresa said ?”

Ray : “She don’t know anything about your past, but what she knows is that you and Otto has been with Shicksal for hundred of years.”

Fu Hua : “I see, she told you that. But, how did you ?”

Ray : “I bought her a manga.”

Fu Hua : “Is that so, you know her well.”

Fu Hua nodded her head, and then started walking. Ray follows her, and then they walked for a while, in complete silence.

They arrived at their dorm, there’s no one home. So, there’s only both of them. Fu Hua then walked upstairs while Ray still follows her, and then they arrived at Fu Hua’s room. Fu Hua got inside, leaving the door open. Ray followed inside, and closed the door.

Fu Hua : “What you said at the garden, that’s not all is it ?”

Ray : “I knew it, you really are sharp.”

Fu Hua : “And so, what are the other things you found out about me ?”

Ray : “After I know that you and Otto has been with Schiksal, I wondered if you are a normal human. So, I go to Schiksal’s library. And read a lot of books about Schiksal’s history, and found a clue about you.”

Fu Hua : “And that is ?”

Ray : “You’ve been alive for more than a five hundred years.”

Fu Hua : “...”

Ray : “I see, so it's true... Who are you, Fu Hua ?”

Fu Hua stayed silent at Ray’s question, Ray too didn’t said anything after that. They stayed silent for almost 10 minutes, until Fu Hua opens her mouth.

Fu Hua : “Other than that ? Things like, what is my title ?”

Ray : “Immortal Empyria, that’s it. I got them from an old book in Schiksal’s library, it was hidden so well. I almost didn’t found it, but I got a help from a certain someone.”

Fu Hua eyes widened, but she quickly calm herself and her expression become normal again.

Fu Hua : “I see, mind telling me who this ‘someone’ is ?”

Ray : “I don’t know, when I wanted to ask how did he know that. He disappeared, I tried searching for him, but even the librarian said I was the only one who entered the library.”

Fu Hua : “Is that so... Well, I will tell you a bit of my past. Because I as well don’t remember much about it.”

Ray is surprised, but he calm himself down and look at Fu Hua straight in her eyes. Fu Hua opens her mouth, telling Ray what she knows. Ray is expression changed many times, sadness, surprised, calmness, and many more.

After that, Fu Hua finished her story. But, of course she didn’t told him everything. Ray is processing the information he just received, but he understand quickly. Ray moves his gaze from the floor to Fu Hua, he opens his mouth.

Ray : “Is it painful ?”

Fu Hua : “Huh ?”

Fu Hua was caught off guard by Ray’s question, after all it’s a strange question indeed.

Fu Hua : “What do you mean ?”

Ray : “Is it painful to lose your memories ?”

Fu Hua : “...”

Fu Hua become silent again, she look at Ray. But she didn’t realized that she was smiling sadly, Ray saw it smile but kept silent.

Fu Hua : “It is, but... I’m fine with that.”

Ray : “... I see”

He stood up and grab Fu Hua’s hand, she was surprised by his sudden move. Ray just take her hand, without saying anything.

Ray : “Let’s go.”

Fu Hua : “Where ?”

Ray just silently helped Fu Hua stand up, and got out of the room. Fu Hua followed him, they silently walking once more until they reached the garden. Ray sat down on the grass, Fu Hua is confused but followed him sitting on the grass.

Fu Hua : “I don’t understand what you’re trying to do, Ray.”

Ray : “You said... Looking at flowers brings you memories... So, I took you to this garden.”

Fu Hua understand what he meant, she look beside her that Ray is staring at her. She moves her gaze to the flowers in front of her, she didn’t realized it but she was smiling.

Fu Hua : “Yeah... I did said that.”

They both didn’t talk for a while after that.

After a few hours in silent, Ray look at his phone and noticed it was almost evening. He silently stood up and tried to walk away in silence, but Fu Hua noticed it.

Fu Hua : “Thank you, Ray...”

Ray : “...”

Ray just silently walk without looking back, not noticing that Fu Hua is looking at him. After Ray’s gone, Fu Hua continued to look at the flowers.

Fu Hua : “You really are... Kind, Ray.”

This time, she noticed that she was smiling. But, she didn’t erased the smile. And just stayed like that, until a certain amount of time has passed.

Author : To be honest, I don’t know if this is a good hangout chapter...

Narrator : Well, maybe ? But, why did you skip Fu Hua’s story telling ?

Author : Don’t want to spoil the future

Narrator : Oh... Anyway, what do you readers think about this chapter ? Is it good ? Bad ?

Author : Well, 2 more chapters to go before we begin the next arc

Narrator : Oh, is there no Himeko or Theresa hangout chapter ?

Author : ...

Narrator : No response ? Okay...

Author : And so !

Narrator : Hey ! That’s my line ! You were supposed to say “Well then !”

Author : Wait, seriously ? *Sigh* Well then !

Author & Narrator : Thank you for reading, and we’ll see you in the next chapter ! Bye bye !

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