Chapter 15

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Schiksal’s HQ, Ray’s POV

I’m now at Schiksal’s HQ, Theresa said that if I wanted to know about Schiksal’s history, I can just go to Schiksal’s library that is located in Schiksal’s HQ. So, here I am.

After I got inside, I searched for a map. But, strangely there’s none. I’m confused to what to do now, when Rita suddenly appeared. She was in her usual maid outfit, and she’s holding a plate with tea on it. I greet her, she was surprised to see me but she greeted me back.

Rita : “Ray-sama, what are you doing here ?”

Ray : “Well, I was searching for a book about Sxhiksal’s history. Principal Theresa said I can get a book about it in Schiksal’s library, so here I am.”

Rita : “I see, do you need help ?”

Ray : “Yeah, there’s no map of this place. So, I don’t know where’s where.”

Rita : “Is that so... Follow me, then.”

Ray : “Thank you, Rita.”

Rita smiled and started walking, I followed her. We then arrived at a room, when Rita opened the door. It reveal a room with Bianca sitting on the sofa reading a book, I was confused.

Ray : “Uh, where are we ?”

Rita : “We’re at master Durandal’s room, why don’t you greet master Durandal first ? After that we’ll go to the library.”

Ray : “Well, okay then.”

I got inside the room, Bianca noticed me and was surprised to see me. She let out a small smile, but quickly become expressionless again, I didn’t noticed that because she is hiding her mouth with the book.

Bianca : “Ray ? What brings you here ?”

Ray : “Well, I was just searching for a book. So I asked Rita if she can helped me get to the library, but she asked me if I want to greet you first before I go.”

Bianca : “I see, let me help you then.”

Ray : “No no, I don’t want to disturb you.”

Bianca : “I’m not doing anything right now, so I’m free.”

Ray : “Doesn’t that means you’re resting ?”

Bianca : “But, if I don’t help you, who will ?”

Ray : “Huh ? What about Rita-“

When I look around, I see that Rita is no longer there. I sighed, realizing this was all part of Rita’s plan from the start.

Ray : “Well, if you don’t mind then.”

Bianca then got out of the room and, I followed her.

Schiksal’s Kitchen Area, 3rd POV

Rita is cooking some snack for both her master Durandal and Ray, she has a smile on her face. Happy knowing that her master Durandal is spending some time with Ray, ever since that match 3 year ago. Durandal is happy when meeting with Ray, even though she always wears an expressionless face, Rita can see it from her movement that is different when treating other people.

You may not notice it Durandal-sama, but you have developed some feelings for him. Try your best to make him feel the same to you, because I’m sure you’re not the only one that has  feelings for him. Rita thought before she picked the plate and put two tea and some snack for them, she then got out of the kitchen and head to the library.

Schiksal’s Library, 3rd POV

Ray and Durandal is reading a book, the only sound that came from them is just them flipping the papers of their own book. The door suddenly opened, revealing Rita with a plate on hand. She head to the both of them, and she noticed that Durandal isn’t focused on the book. She sometime look at Ray, but before Ray look at her she move her gaze to the book again.

Rita smiled, she put down both tea and some snack on the table. Ray reply with a “Thank you”, which she replied with a smile and a nod. Ray drank the tea and continued reading, while Durandal didn’t even pick the tea as she was still looking at Ray.

But this time, Ray noticed her gaze.

Ray : “Is something wrong, Bianca ?”

Durandal : “No, there’s nothing.”

Ray : “Is that so.”

Ray then moves his gaze to his book again, Rita sighed and moves to Durandal’s side.

Rita : *Whisper* “Durandal-sama, you have to do something you know ?”

Durandal : *Whisper* “What do you mean, Rita ?”

Rita shakes her head, Durandal is confused.

Rita : *Whisper* You’re happy right now, right ? Then, why don’t you invite him to do something before he go again ?”

Durandal widened her eyes, but she quickly calmed down.

Durandal *Whisper* “That’s not true, Rita. I’m just how I normally am.”

Rita shake her head once more, she then goes to Ray’s side. She whispers something in Ray’s ear, he gave Rita a confused look but nodded his head anyway and stood up. He walked to Durandal.

Ray : “Hey, Bianca. Excuse me.”

Durandal : “Yes ?”

Ray suddenly lifted Durandal up, and sit on her chair. After that, he put Durandal down on his lap. Durandal forzed from his action, even Rita’s eyes is widened. After a few seconds of silent, Durandal finally regain her composure and asked Ray.

Durandal : “Ray, what are you doing ?”

Ray : “Rita told me that you were staring at me for some time, so I thought you wanted to read my book. Because of that, I remembered on how me and Lei usually shared a book. I put her on my lap, and we read together. Did I get it wrong ?”

Ray tilted his head, doesn’t understand the problem. Rita suddenly laughed, while Durandal is processing the information.

Rita : “Fufufu~, Ray-sama is so bold.”

Ray : “Huh ? What do you mean ?”

Rita just smiled and say “Nothing~”, Ray is still confused at Rita’s action. But, after a few second passed. He realized what he just did, and frozed as well.

Ray : “A-a-a-aaah ?! I’m sorry ! I didn’t know what I was doing !”

Ray tried to lift Durandal up again, but she didn’t budge.

Ray : “B-bianca ?!”

Durandal : “... -like this.”

Ray : “H-huh ?”

Durandal : “Let stay like this for some time, I actually wanted to read the book as well. You don’t have a problem right, sharing with me ?”

Ray looked at Durandal with confused face, but he calmed himself down.

Ray : “O-okay, if you say so.”

Ray and Durandal then read the book, while Rita is smiling. See ? You can do it, Durandal-sama. Rita thought before she looks at the time, she then said that the Overseer needs her. Ray and Durandal just nodded before back to reading, but this time Ray isn’t as nervous as before because he seems to be focused only at the book and not at Durandal that’s sitting on his lap.

Not long after, Rita came back and said that the Overseer has a mission for Durandal. Durandal then stood from Ray’s lap, she has a dissatisfied face but quickly changed back to her normal face. Rita noticed this and let out a little laugh, both Rita and Durandal got out of the library while Ray is still reading.

After that, Ray searched for a book that contains about more Schiksal’s history. When suddenly a man appeared behind him and said “Behind the book on the far right corner, there’s the book you need.” Ray quickly look back, just to see there’s nothing behind him.

Ray : Naron ! Did you notice who that was ?!

Naron : No, but his energy was strange. As if it didn’t match with this time’s energy, as if he is from the future.

Ray : Wait what ?! From the future ?! Are you sure ?!

Naron : I need to investigate this as well, for the time being. Just continue your research about her identity, I didn’t sense any ill will from his voice. So, it’s fine to say he was helping you.

Ray : Is that so... I trust you, Naron.

Ray then picked up the book from where the man said, when he reads it. His expression become surprised, he got the information he needed. He continued reading it, not realizing some time has passed.

After he finished reading, he placed back the book and ask the librarian if there was someone that got inside apart from him. The librarian said that there was no other person who come in after Rita and Durandal got out, Ray said thank you to the librarian and walk out.

Before he left, he ask one of the employee about Rita and Durandal’s whereabouts. It seems like Durandal and Rita has already left for a mission, so Ray just goes home.

Author : I actually wanted to do a duel between Ray and Durandal for her hangout chapter, to see how far Ray has powered up

Narrator : But, why did you change it ?

Author : Well, the chapter before informed us that Ray has gone to the Schiksal HQ’s Library. So, I wanted to make a chill chapter about it

Narrator : Then, wilk there be a duel about Ray and Durandal ?

Author : Yeah, in the main story later

Narrator : I see, oh and what about Rita ? Will you make a hangout chapter about her too ?

Author : Hmm, I don’t know to be honest. Right now, the main love interest’s candidates are the ones who get the hangout chapters

Narrator : Wait ?! Does that means Lei is- ?!

Author : I’ve said too much, we’ll be moving onto the next chapter now

Narrator : Hey ! Why did you dodge the topic ?!

Author : Welk then ! We’ll see you in the next chapter !

Narrator : Hey ! Why did you end it up by yourself ?! Hey ! Get back here !

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