Chapter 74

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--- Start of Chapter ---

[3rd PoV]

The sea was calm as ever.

No waves nor were there any strong tides.

It was... peaceful.

At times like these, wouldn't it be better if one were to---


A certain loud explosive sound vibrated through the air and caused a shockwave that was strong enough to shake the sea.

But it lasted for no more than a second as some sort of unknown object appeared and the silhouette of a person entered through it, only for both to disappear the next moment.

Just then, calmness once again fell to this unknown part of this massive body of water...

(Faster...! I have to go faster!)

Such thoughts crossed Ray's mind as he appeared above some random spot on the ocean. And the second he did, his pupils changed their colors to green.

Not even half a second passed yet something had appeared below his feet, acting as some sort of platform for his foot to step on.

When it did land, his pupils yet again changed to purple.

And in an instant, purple electricity faintly appeared going through his lower body before finally gathering at his foot. All of it was happening as his foot landed completely on the shapeless platform.

As he lifted his foot to do another jump, purple sparks appeared below it and it instantly exploded with a loud sound, causing vibrations through the air and even toward the body of water below.

The explosion acted as a boost for his body to fly through the air. And once he had passed his peak speed, a portal appeared in front of him and teleported him hundreds of meters away.

This process repeated for several times as he tried to save as much energy as possible by using his herrscher powers as little as possible.

It was confirmed by Naron that using multiple powers could threaten his life, yes. Heck, he had already experienced it once before.

But that was only because he had used those powers for far too long.

Now, the situation had changed, and he had gained through much more experiences with his powers, along with some "upgrades".

Although it didn't entirely mean he could use the powers he'd gained at free will, there were still limitations. As such, after some quick contemplation, this method of using multiple powers for no longer than a second was the answer he'd come up with.


Another explosion occurred on this unknown part of the ocean.

Ray: "Come on...! Naron! How much farther?!"

Naron: 150 kilometers left.

Ray: "Agh! Dang it!"

While going through the portal, he shouted his frustrations yet kept his mind focused on the portal's destination.

(Please...! Make it in time...!)

Were the repeating thoughts that crossed his mind ever since.

[A Moment Ago, Hyperion, Main Deck]

Things were getting out of control. That much was obvious for everyone.

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