Chapter 66

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Peyton POV:

It's the next day and Paige, Evina, and I are sitting in the dining hall eating some breakfast. They have a game in a couple hours so we are just relaxing until then.

"Who do you guys play today?" I ask taking a bite of my omelette

"Xavier" Evina says

"Yea it should be a good game" Paige adds

"Hey Paige, hey E, hey Peyton" RJ Cole, a Uconn mens basketball player, says as he walks into the dining hall and sees us

"What's up dude" Paige says standing up to give him a quick hug, which is then followed by me and Evina giving him a hug too.

"Not much, getting some breakfast, then have film to watch, then I'm heading to your game" he says

I've met RJ a few times and he's honestly like another brother to me, like we joke around with each other a lot but I also know if anything happens he would always protect me.

"Ok, ok, I see you" E says

"You know me, gotta support my girls" he says

"Do you know where your gonna sit at the game?" I ask him

"Probably somewhere in the student section, it's more fun than sitting on the sides" he answers

"You wanna sit with me, I can save you a seat" I ask him

"Yea for sure, you get the best seats in the house" he jokes

"No, I just get there early" I say chuckling

"Yea I wonder why" he says as he looks from me to Paige

"Not my fault I got a supportive girlfriend" Paige tells him

"Whatever, I gotta go, I'll catch up with you guys later, Peyton just text me where your sitting and I'll meet you there" he says

"You got it, see ya RJ" I say as he starts waking away towards the food

"What's up party people" RJ says as he sits next to me, Mack, and Kenzie at the basketball game

"Long time no see" I joke

"I know right, it's been forever" he jokes back

It's the end of the first quarter and Uconn is winning 22-12. They are playing pretty well, they just gotta tighten up on defense to Xavier doesn't get easy points.

"Peyton! Peyton!" I hear someone scream my name so I look around trying to find whoever it is, but I can't until they keep calling my name and my eyes land on someone, I was hoping I wouldn't have to see again.

My mom.

I just ignore her and act like I don't see her. But that doesn't work when she tries to walk closer to where I'm sitting. My heart is pounding and I'm trying to look anywhere but her and I think RJ noticed.

"Yo, you good Peyton" he says

"My mom is here" I say. He knows what happened with my parents too, including Mack and Kenzie, because they are all like family to me now

"Your mom, what, why would she be here" He asks looking around to try to find her

"I don't know, she's the one with brown hair screaming my name and trying to walk over here" I say

At this point the second quarter is about to start so the student section all stands up again, so we join them

"Hey don't worry, your safe, we're here with you" Mack says

"Yea we won't let anything happen to you" Kenzie adds

"Thanks guys" I say trying to pay attention to the game.

My mom continues screaming my name but I just continue to act like I don't hear her, until she says something that tips me over the edge

"Peyton, please, I just wanna talk to you" she says

"Yea well it's a little too late for that" I say turning to look her in the eyes as she tries walking closer to me but the security guard stops her because in order for her to get to the student section she would have to step on the court by the locker room entrance, and no one is allowed over there.

RJ quickly switches places with me since I was on the end closest to where my mom is, and puts his arm around my back, to let me know he's got me, which I'm grateful for because I do feel a lot safer knowing he's looking out for me.

Paige POV:

Somethings not right, as I'm dribbling up the court, I notice someone screaming at Peyton but she's just looking at the game ignoring the person.

I try to not focus on it and just play, but every shot I'm trying to make, I keep missing. Luckily we play good defense so Xavier can't get a shot off and they call a timeout.

"You good P, your not acting like yourself" E says as we jog to to bench for the timeout

"Somethings not right with Peyton" I tell her

During the timeout I don't really focus on what coach is saying, I just keep my eye on Peyton. Luckily they are using the media timeout now, so the timeout is longer.

Geno finishes up telling us what to do, and we still have a few minutes until the game starts back up. That's when I notice the security guard by Peyton yells at the person screaming at her, and then RJ protectively switches seats with Peyton.

I start jogging over there to see what's happening and if Peyton's okay, but then Nika grabs my arm

"You can't go over there" She says stopping me

"Why not, somethings obviously wrong" I say kind of annoyed

"She's right P, the game is gonna start soon" E adds

"I need to make sure she's okay tho" I say mad until I get an idea and run over to Chase (our bodyguard) who is standing behind the bench.

"Chase, I need you to go by Peyton, somethings wrong" I say

He immediately turns to look at me and says, "If you see her not standing there anymore, that means I moved her seat so she would be safer, or I took her in the locker room"

then without giving me time to respond he walks fast over to where Peyton is, that's something I've always liked about Chase, he doesn't ask questions he just does what he is told and even though Peyton isn't on the team, he knows how important her safety is to me.

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