Chapter 77

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Paige POV:

By the time we get to the locker room everyone is already leaving to go back to their dorms so it's just Peyton and I.

"Wow, this is a big locker room" Peyton says looking around

"Yea we got everything in here" I say as a I place my bag in my cubby and head back over to her.

I give her a tour of the facility showing her the athletic training room, the study spots, the food court, and then ending in the practice court.

She finds a basketball on the ground and starts dribbling it around.

"I don't think you should be doing that with your finger" I tell her

"It's fine don't worry, the splint is making sure nothing hits it" she says continuing to dribble the ball around the court and then shooting it, making the basket.

"Wow look at you" I say walking over to her

"What can I say, I got better since the last time we did this" she says smirking

Which makes me remember the last time we were on the practice court is when I was teaching Peyton how to shoot the basketball and we had our first kiss.

"Do you remember the last time we were here?" I ask her

"Yea, I was standing right about here" she says walking to the free throw line holding my hand "You were right about here" she says pointing next to her "I was holding the ball like this" she says holding the ball incorrectly "then you grabbed my hands and helped me hold it correctly" she says as I put my hands on softly on top of hers so she holds the ball correctly "I shot it, and by some miracle it went in" she says shooting the ball and it actually went in again.

"You had a good teacher" I joke

"Hmm I don't know about that part, I think it was just my pure talent" she says sarcastic turning to face me "Do you know what happened next, I can't really remember" she jokes

"I put my arms around your waist and you put your arms around my neck" I say as we both do those movements "Then I stared at your eyes with my heart beating out of my chest because I was so nervous that someone as gorgeous as you was standing right in front of me" I continue softly

"Then I stared back at you with my heart beating out of my chest because I couldn't believe you were standing right in front of me" Peyton adds "After that you quickly looked from my eyes to my lips which made me know you wanted to kiss me just as bad as I wanted to kiss you, so somewhere I built up the courage and just leaned in a captured your lips on mine" she says softly leaning in and kissing me just like she did the first time, except this kiss was more passionate and had love behind it, where the first one we were both just nervous.

"How did I get so lucky" I say softly when we separate for a second before quickly reattaching my lips against hers and slowly walking over to the wall and pushing her up against it as she puts her hand in my hair and kisses me back which quickly turns this kiss into a make-out.

After our makeout session, Peyton is taking me out on a date, I don't know where we're going out what we're doing, all she told me is to wear a bathing suit and right now we are walking somewhere. She also said this is gonna be part of our Valentine's Day date because we both have games on Valentine's Day.

A couple minutes later after walking on a path in the woods that definitely didn't seem sketchy at all, we make it to this hidden lake behind trees with a waterfall.

^ the lake

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^ the lake

"Woah" I say looking around

"I know right, it's a pretty cool spot" Peyton says

"The water is so blue, how did you find this place" I say still memorized

"When I first came to UConn I needed a spot to escape to when all eyes were on me or when everything was just too much. So I found this place and ever since when I just need to breathe and be alone this is where I go because no one is ever here" she explains

"So it's your secret spot" I say

"No, now it's our secret spot" she says grabbing both my hands "we can escape the fame here, and just relax, no eyes on us, no one shoving cameras in our faces, just me and you"

"I love you, you know that" I tell her

"I love you too, now come on the water is warm" she says

"You're telling me the water is warm in February?"

"Yea it's like a hot spring or something" she says as we both take our clothes off leaving us in our bathing suits.

"Well is it deep or when we jump in are we gonna break a leg?" I question

"It's deep enough to jump in, come over here there's a little cliff to jump off of" she says extending her hand which I take and she leads me to the cliff

I step up it and look down at the water, it's not that big of a jump.

"Are you gonna jump or what" Peyton says

"Yea, I'm just looking" I say

"If you don't jump I'm gonna push you in" she says with a smirk

"Are you serious" I say

"I don't know looks like your gonna have to find out" she says running towards me and grabbing me, making us both jump in the water

"You did not just do that" I say once I come up from the water

"Looks like I did" she says laughing which makes me splash water at her playfully

"You did not just do that" she says dramatic putting her hand over her heart

"Looks like I did" I mock her which makes both of us laugh

We spend the rest of the day together at the lake enjoying our time with each other since both our schedules are about to get really busy.

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