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Valentina and Vivian's outfits above!:)

       It's been a little over a week since classes started, safe to say I haven't been feeling my best this week

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       It's been a little over a week since classes started, safe to say I haven't been feeling my best this week. "You've been moping around more than usual all week V, the hard parts over, it's time to enjoy college!" Val was currently digging through my closet, looking for the perfect outfit for the party tonight.

She wasn't wrong, a wave of sadness had hit me so hard the other night, I've barely been able to get myself up and ready for class. I used to never be able to sleep at school, no matter how tired I was, but the amount of restless nights I've been getting has made it hard to stay awake, let alone focus.

"Yea yea I'm done now, hurry up and pick so we can pre-game!" All of the sorrow I felt for myself has slowly been washing away, maybe it was the fact I'm currently two shots in already, or Val's infectious energy is growing on me.

"I've got it!" She came rushing out of my closet, holding two black pieces of clothing. The top was a black tube top, with only the top part being solid, the rest a sheer black. Paired with a black mini skirt, a little too mini for my liking. "Valentina Brown you have lost your damn mind." I stared at the outfit in shock, it was way too revealing.

"Vivian" she whined, throwing the outfit towards me, "You used to wear this stuff all of the time! You and your body are perfect, you're going to look so hot, and look, mine is too" She rummaged through her closet, pulling out a two piece set as well, but hers was white. It was similar to mine with the sheer tube top and mini skirt, she loved to match.

"I am so excited, go put it on. No if ands or buts. I'm going to catch up and take a shot!" I rolled my eyes, reluctantly grabbing the material and headed over towards the bathroom. Once I was stripped of my pajamas, I slowly put the outfit on. When I finally built up the strength, I brought my eyes up to the mirror in front of me.

I cringed at the sight. I hated it. The way my arms and legs looked, I tugged at the sheer material of the top in an attempt to cover more of my stomach. My long black hair was left straight cascading down my back. I had done my makeup prior as always, makeup before outfit. The small smudged out wing on my eyes brought out the light brown in my eyes, I've always loved my eyes, especially my eyelashes.

I blinked away all of my thoughts, including the nice ones and pushed open the bathroom door. I was faced with Val's back, her outfit was on as she examined herself in the mirror. "God you're so hot why can't I be you" I chuckled as she spun around, taking my outfit in.

"Oh my god! You're a fucking smoke show, let's drink to this, we look amazing" She poured two shots, handing me one. We linked our arms and counted to three, I scrunched my nose as the liquid burned down my throat. "Why doesn't it ever get easier" I chuckled as I sat down on the edge of my bed.

Val was putting on her matching white boots, her dirty blonde hair was curled to perfection, her makeup was delicate, letting her freckles show, and her lips were a plump pink color. I've always admired Val, she's perfect in every way I wish I could be.

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