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     It's been over a week since I met Sebastian's friends, he's been around our dorm a lot, not that i'm complaining really

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     It's been over a week since I met Sebastian's friends, he's been around our dorm a lot, not that i'm complaining really. He's grown on me, just a tad. Except for when Val texts me asking me not to come back to the room for awhile, but hey I cant turn down a good walk.

   I haven't seen Adonis since our last encounter, I only have classes twice a week, and he didn't show up at all this week, not that i'm complaining. I enjoyed the silence and being able to focus in my lectures.

   It's now Saturday, and I just got back to our room from a dreadful run. My body was tired and I needed a shower, as well as a hard earned nap. After a steaming hot shower, so hot I almost saw stars, I threw on a black tank top with black shorts, jumping into the warmth of my bed.

   I didn't get to sleep for long until I heard laughter and whispers from the outside of the door, I kept my eyes shut, hoping they'd go away, but much to my dismay, the barged right into the room. I used to be a very heavy sleeper, so I kept my eyes closed in hopes they'd feel bad and leave the room.

   "Shhh she's sleeping! What do we do?" Val all but whispered to whoever else was in the room. "Wake her up! I'm not good at the quiet game, what are we supposed to do?" The familiar voice of Parker chimed in in a hushed tone. "I agree with Parker on this one, wake her up so we can all hang out" I was shocked to hear damian's voice, double shocked that the three had the audacity to wake me up, even though I was now pretending.

   "Don't fucking wake her up, let her sleep." Fuck me, his all well too familiar voice dominated the room, I need to make other friends, actual friends, Val has seriously betrayed me. "Too bad grumpy pants" Val spoke, shaking me roughly, "Wake up sleeping beauty we have guests"

    I groaned, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands, not bothering to sit up. "I don't care, you guys can hang out here but I'll be here" I turned around to face the wall, pulling my phone off the charger to check the time. 2pm, hopefully they all leave to get something to eat soon, ah wishful thinking.

    I tried my best to drown them out as I occupied myself on my phone, but it was no use. I let out a deep sigh, turning myself around and throwing my legs over the edge of my bed. "Okay you've got me, I cant focus with all of you talking nonstop"

   "Viv you're alive!" Parker beamed up at me, patting the spot next to him on the floor, I slowly obliged, crossing my legs underneath me as I sat down next to him. "It's Vivian, I don't like nicknames." I huffed crossing my arms across my chest as I turned to face whatever it was they were watching on the small tv. "That's not fair, Val calls you V, what's one more nickname?"

   I was too focused on the feeling of a familiar pair of brown eyes on me, having my body heat up as if it were on fire. I quickly became very aware of my attire, making me shirt uncomfortably. I got up from my spot on the floor, grabbing a pair of sweatpants from my closet before slipping them on.

    We spent the next few hours watching Criminal Minds, which of course I forced Val to put on, Damian agreed with my choice, making him my favorite of the four already. "Okay I'm starving, do you guys want to grab something to eat?" Sebastian spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence in the room.

    He rose to his full height, stretching his arms above his head as Val got up to join him. "Thank god I thought I was going to die of starvation" Parker jumped up quick, followed by an eager Damian and stone cold brown eyes. Think Vivian think "No I uh, I'm meeting up with a friend soon, we'll probably head off campus to grab dinner" Val pouted before nodding her head, ushering everyone out the room.

    Adonis was the last one out, quickly turning back into the doorway, "You better not be lying darling" and with that he closed the door behind him. I ran a hand down my face, being around so many people drained my social battery. I did actually want to text Anna, as it was now dark outside, I could use a walk, or a smoke.

    Deciding against all of my thoughts, I crawled back into my bed, an overwhelming wave of unknown sadness taking over me. This was unfortunately normal, but I haven't learned how to make it go away. Sometimes it felt as if I was walking around with a rain cloud over my head, unsure of what to do with myself, or why I'm still here, but I've grown to understand it will pass, even when it didn't feel like it.

     I woke up with an excruciating headache, the sun as always shined brightly into the room, only making it worse. I tossed one of my pillows at Val's bed, mumbling for her to close the blinds, not sure if she was even here. Thankfully, the sun disappeared, and the room was only lit up by her lamp.

     After awhile of rotting away in bed with my eyes closed, I slowly squinted them open, getting up to grab Ibuprofen from my desk. I took two before making my way into the bathroom. jesus christ I look like a raccoon. I brushed my hair, putting it into a loose braid before washing my face.

    "Valentina, I beg of you to not bring anyone over today, I feel like absolute shit." Her bright smile danced on her face as always, a guilt expression shining through "Actually, Sebastian told me Adonis needed to talk to you, something about your class together" she narrowed her eyes at me, suspicion all over her face.

     I let out another frustrated groan. "Absolutely not, that guys a creep" I rolled my eyes at her ready to get back to bed. "It's too late V, I think he's on his way, but uh..I have to run so I'll catch you later, he seems like a nice guy, don't stress it" She grabbed her bag and rushed out of the room, running right into brown eyes, who was standing there waiting at the door.

     My eyes pulled together as I watched him, he let himself in, no surprise there, closing the door behind him. He took a few slow steps, inching his way towards my bed. I couldn't deny that he looked good, his hair was wet, he probably showered before he came over, and his signature black tee fit his upper half perfectly.

    Snap out of it Vivian. I sat up cautiously on my bed, crossing my legs underneath me. It was eerily quiet, I couldn't help but break the silence  "So..uh what did you need to come here for?" I felt hot under his stare, wrapping my arms around myself, painfully aware that I was only in a thin tank top.

    "My essay. I need you to help me with my essay." I blinked at him "Are you going to ask?" He clenched his jaw at my words "Will you help me with my essay?" I smiled at him, a stupid cheesy smile, which I quickly wiped off my face.

   I love writing, maybe a little too much. Every creative thought that comes to my mind goes straight into my notes app, any emotion i'm feeling, or funny story I want to remember later. "Since you asked so politely, sure, but I'm not writing it for you, just helping you out."

   Before I registered what I was doing, I grabbed my phone, handing it to him. "You can uh, just put your number in and let me know when you need help" He looked puzzled for a second, just a second before his face went back to its usual stone cold expression. He swiftly grabbed my phone, typing into it before handing it back to me.

"I'll see you soon Vivian."

Word count: 1398!
Ahh i'm sorry this was short! I'm trying to bring in a little bit of everyone!

Leave your thoughts! xoxo

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