𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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I practically had a heart attack when I woke up

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I practically had a heart attack when I woke up. I assume Adonis brought me up to bed because he is currently crushing me, Who knew I was such a heavy sleeper all of a sudden?

This is the strangest feeling. There is no weight on my chest, I don't have this burning urge to reset back to my daily routine, I want to stay like this. In any other world, this would send me into a spiral. I don't like change, and this is a serious change in my life, and I feel like it has all happened way too fast.

I need to be grateful, I know, and I am. For once, I'm not thinking about my father, or my degree, or what the future will hold for me. I'm lying here, with a man that said he loves me, on vacation with my friends. This is surreal. To whoever gave me a second chance at happiness, I am forever grateful.

It's Christmas Eve. I haven't been this excited since I was a little girl hoping Santa got me a Barbie dream house. Also, I have never bought this many gifts. I got everyone different wrapping paper to make it feel more special. At least in my head, it feels that way.

I've planned a dinner for everyone. I'm tired of ordering out, and I want the joy of sitting at the dinner table like a big family. Hopefully, Adonis will take me to the store, or I'm just going to take his keys when he isn't looking. We've ordered out way too much, much to my dismay, I need a real dinner.

"It's too early to be thinking so much." Adonis' deep morning voice mumbles beside me. I roll over to face him, a big grin on my face. "Good morning to you too sunshine." He wraps his arms around me, pulling me impossibly closer to his chest. "Good morning, Angel. What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" Too much, that's for sure. "It's Christmas Eve! I need you to take me to the store."

He lets out a groan, rolling over to turn towards the wall. "We should've taken your car." And he says I'm the grump. "Give me your keys, I'll go alone." That got his attention faster than the speed of light, "Fuck no. I'm taking you." We are very different when it comes to our cars. I practically live in mine with the amount of clothes that are in the backseat. His is pristine like no one even drives it around.

"Please" I practically beg, "At least let me drive!" I scootched over to hug him, now he's little spoon, what a loser. "Vivian, no. I may love you, but you're going to kill us." I guess he didn't enjoy my driving when I took us out. He was clinging to the handle above the door the entire trip there and back. "Whatever, get up, we need to get ready!" I tried shoving him off the bed, but he didn't bug, fucking brick.

I left him alone to wallow, rushing into the bathroom before he could hog it. Since it's a special day, I've decided to curl my hair, since I couldn't be bothered to yesterday. The worst part about it is how fucking hot it gets in the bathroom. I sit here and sweat, begging for mercy while I fry my hair.

Without warning, Adonis barges in, "Ever heard of privacy you creep?" He ignored me, pushing me to the side to brush his teeth. "You've been in here forever, I got impatient." What's new? He's the least patient person on earth. Sometimes. "It hasn't been that long, grow up." He stands there, watching me like I'm some piece of artwork in a museum. It used to freak me the fuck out, the way he'd stand there and stare at me, but now I understand it, he's trying to figure me out.

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