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smut warning ahead at the 🌸 ;)
play this song when u get there if you choose!

smut warning ahead at the 🌸 ;)play this song when u get there if you choose!

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Waking up in painful silence is the worst feeling in the world. No TV playing, no fan, no Val deep cleaning at seven am. I hate this feeling. I feel vulnerable, like someone is going to come grab me at any moment. Last night, when Val called, I retreated into my room, confused and in a daze about what happened moments before.

She stayed on the phone with me until three am, making sure I was asleep before hanging up. She knew I was going to be uncomfortable, especially the first night. I only woke up twice, so I take that as a win. The first time I woke up, it was a dream about a certain someone. I need to get him out of my fucking system. In reality, I'm scared that it is impossible, but a girl can dream.

I finally decide to get up, shuffling my feet into the bathroom. I flip the lights on...jesus. I'm one bedhead day away from cutting all of my hair off. No matter what I do, french braid, side braid, I wake up, and its everywhere. I turn the shower on, letting the mirror fog up before getting in. I'm so glad we didnt have to fly, I hate travel-size products.

I scrubbed myself with the vanilla body wash until the water went cold. My skin is red and I feel like I've been reborn. It's not hair wash day, well, at least I don't think it is. Sometimes I lose track of the days. I just put it up until I can't stand to look at it anymore. I made my way out of the bathroom, the cold air sends chills up my spine, but it feels good.

I decide on black sweatpants and a black tank top. It may be freezing outside but it's cool in here, so I won't freeze my butt off. I peek my head out of my bedroom door. No sign of Adonis. My feet pad on the tile floor as I make my way down the stairs. The smell of coffee immediately filling my nostrils as I walked through the living room. "Good morning, angel." The sight in front of me almost made me choke. Adonis stands there shirtless, tattoos I've never seen scatter on his chest. I've only seen the ones that run up his arms, but this, this is a sight I could look at forever.

"Done checking me out?" His voice brought me back to reality, "Don't flatter yourself. You made coffee?" He slides a mug for me across the island, which I happily accept. "Thought you'd want some. Plus, I read your rules." Shit, I forgot I stuck it on the fridge once I was sure he went to bed. "Good, because those will not be broken, understood?" He tilted his head to the side, a small smile on his lips. "I can't make any promises, sweetheart."

This man will be the death of me. I hopped up onto the counter, swinging my legs underneath me. "What do you have planned for today?" Did I write down not to ask? Yes, but I made the rules. "Uh uh, rule number four." Okay, maybe I'm going to be the one breaking the. "I'm just curious." I shrug, bringing the warm mug up to my lips, taking a sip. "I hope you didn't poison me, this tastes too good to be made by you." He only shook his head, "Im full of surprises. Trust me, angel, i wouldn't poison you in a coffee. It's too obvious." All right, we've got a crazy man over here.

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