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    Never in my life did I think I'd be so infatuated by a woman

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Never in my life did I think I'd be so infatuated by a woman. From the first day I saw her sitting in the classroom, her black hair pulled up into a sleek ponytail, the way her bottom lip rolled into her mouth as more students started filing in, I was trapped already and I knew it.

I hate how she floods my mind, for fucks sakes I've never acted like this before, and it's em-baressing almost the way I want to be around her. I tried my best to stay away, lie, big, big lie. I cant help myself. Her soft but dominant voice, the way her face contorts when I piss her off, or when I make her nervous, and her eyes stare at me so wide.

I'm so utterly fucked. After I picked her up from the bar, I had to cancel our study session. I couldn't stand to be alone with her in my room, she makes me tick in every way imaginable. The pleading sound in her voice when she called made me wonder what she sounded like begging for something else.

The way she groaned in satisfaction when I placed her down on her bed did things to my body I didn't like. I needed to stay away, which at first I thought would be the easiest thing in the world besides class, until Sebastian decided to start sleeping with her best fucking friend.

She was always here, and always talking about Vivian. Ever so often she'd flick her eyes over to me before back to my friends as she spoke, a knowing look in her eyes. "What's got your panties in a twist Auclair?" my eyes snapped up, pulling me out of my dreadful thoughts, Parker stood in front of me, his usual smile on his fucking face, this wasn't a matter to be smiling about.

No surprise here, but Parker is the golden retriever in our friend group, which made it impossible for me to not tell him about my unfortunate dilemma. "Nothing" a ran a hand down my face, wiping away any expression I may have, "I just need to get laid." Parker's laugh filled the quiet room, pissing me off more.

"I think we all know who you're trying to sleep with Adonis, give it up already." He plopped down on the bottom bunk across from mine, resting his elbows on his knees. "Usually, It's hard to tell what's going on in that abyss of a mind you've got, but this right here is painfully evident, even Val asked me about it."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Val doesn't know shit." I threw my head back, groaning in frustration. "They're all fucking blind, she's too busy being dicknotized to see anything"

Much to our dismay, Sebastian overshared, a lot. I'll never forget the time I walked in to the horrifying sight of the two of them naked on our couch either. I laid down on my bed, tired of having this conversation with Parker, and it seems he got the hint, because the room fell into comfortable silence.

I somehow managed to ignore Vivian until Monday, our essay is due and I'm shitting bricks, I should've bit the bullet and texted her. She was the first thing I saw as I entered the classroom, which isn't unusual, I seem to always be looking for her.

Her long black hair has pin straight, flowing down her back. Her leg bounced up and down rapidly, god I fucking hate that. her folder and laptop were placed neatly on her desk, something she does often. I really shouldn't fucking know that.

I sat in my usual seat beside her, my jaw clenched as I stared straight ahead at nothing, literally nothing but the empty desk at the front of the class. I felt her eyes flick towards me a few times, he leg moving at an impossibly faster rate. I squeezed my eyes shut, pinching the bridge of my nose, Jesus Christ.

I shot my hand out towards her thigh, squeezing it lightly just above her knee. "I'm going to say this one more time," I turned to look at her, my teeth grinding together in frustration.

I was hypnotized for a moment, she was so, so close. Faint freckles were all around her nose and cheeks, as if God himself had hand painted them on. Her pale skin only bringing out the golden flecks in her eyes. Her limps are plump and pink, practically begging to be kissed. Let's not forget the pink that crept onto her cheeks as I stopped her movements.

"Stop. Doing that." With that I let go, like my hand was on fire, it fucking felt like it with the way heat ran up my arm. From my peripheral I saw her bottom lip roll into her mouth, she picked herself up by the arms on either side of her seat, and slid her legs up underneath her.

Every single thing she did seemed to put me in a trance, a trance I would much rather bury six feet under than stay in. As soon as we turned in our assignments, I made my way right out of the doors, for the first time since I saw her, I didn't try to make a move to start a conversation with her.

Much to my surprise, it was her this time wrapping her small hand around my bicep, turning me towards her. "Thank you for the other night I'm...sorry I had to bother you, I hope you were able to finish your essay." She flashed me a small smile before letting go, leaving me in fog.

"Adonis! you fucking slow poke, we're all headed down to the dining hall, you wanna come?" I was bombarded the second I walked through our door by Damian. I didn't hesitate before answering. "Yes" I tossed my bag on my bed before grabbing my keys, these dumbasses never remember their own.

"What's going on lover boy?" I swung my arm around Sebastian, we've seen less and less of him lately, he's for sure whipped. "Oh fuck off, it's not that serious yet." He shrugged my arm off his shoulder, but I could tell by the look on his face that he was lying, this guys for sure whipped.

Should I be scanning the room to see if Vivian came to join us? No, am I? Yes. I wasn't surprised to see she wasn't here, she has yet to come join us, literally any time we've come down to eat. "Val!" Parker rushed in front of us, pulling Val into a hug.

"Paws of dick face." Sebastian nearly ripped him right off her, pulling her into a side hug, kissing her forehead in the process. Like I said, fucking whipped. "Where's V?" Damian chimed in after we grabbed our food, and I mentally face palmed myself, Val will probably combust if she hears that question one more time. "She wasn't there when I got our room after class, she probably went on a run. She's a cardio freak."

My eyebrow's furrowed at her words, sure, I saw her on a run once, where she blatantly ran away from me, but I didn't think it was a common occurrence. I think Im surrounded by a bunch of idiots, given this incredibly obvious situation, but it wasn't my place to say.

When we all got back to the room, Val included of course, I settled down in my bed, exhausted from the ongoing chatter between the four at lunch.

I was two seconds away from taking a nap before my phone chimed.

Vivian: have you seen Val? She's not answering my texts.

I stared at the message for awhile, dreading the thought of her coming over and watching Parker practically throw himself at her.

She's at our dorm, you missed lunch.

She responded almost immediately, now I really wanted to nap before she showed up.

Vivian: I had lunch with Anna outside, can I come over?


Word count: 1345!
i'm sorry this was short, i was so eager for his pov that my mind just went blank lol.

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