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It's been two weeks since my encounter with Vivian

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It's been two weeks since my encounter with Vivian. Let me just tell you, I've lost it. Her warm vanilla scent, the sounds she made when I kissed her neck, everything about her is perfect, so fucking perfect.

I've taken one too many cold showers replaying that small interaction, and I crave more. I've tried my hardest to stay away from her, kinda. Yet I fail every time. She's always around, whether it's class, of course she never misses a day, or in my dorm room, being all close and lovey fucking dovey with Parker.

Ive grilled him about it none stop, but for the first time ever his lips have been sealed. It's driving me fucking crazy. I hate how much she infiltrates my mind.

I've decided I need to get her out of my system, just a chat, hopefully more, so i can bid these feelings behind. Knocking on her door, I ran a hand threw my hair, grow a paid Adonis.

I was not prepared for the sight that has just laid in front of me. Her long black hair cascaded down her shoulders, she's in a tight tank top leaving nothing to the imagination, and black short, short fucking shorts.

"Are you done?" her voice snapped me back into reality, she stepped back, gesturing for me to walk in. Val was gone, probably wrapped around Sebastian like a koala, god that girl is always around.

I leaned back against her desk, taking one last glance at the sight in front of me before she crawled under the covers. "Get ready, we're going out." This is a terrible idea. The shocked expression on her face didn't help either.

"I'm not exactly going out ready, where are we going? what do I wear? You couldn't have just texted me to give me a heads up?" I could practically hear the wheels turning in her head as she sputtered concerns. "Vivian." be nice. "Just-fuck we're getting lunch."

She narrowed her eyes at me, searching for god knows what. "Lunch..with you" she pointed at me, "and me?" she pointed back to herself, god she's so fucking clueless it drives me insane. "Yes, now get ready."

I sat myself down on her couch, watching her spring up from her bed and start tearing through her closet. It amazed me how many articles of clothing came out of the small dresser. "I like that" she turned towards me, holding out the pink dress to give me a better look. It has thin straps with a v line neck, a lace top that flows down into a solid pink "Really? I've never worn this"

"First time for everything right?" she rushed towards the bathroom, coming out a painfully long twenty minutes later. I'm surprised my jaw didn't dislocate as she came into my line of view. She dress hugged her waist, flowing down her thighs, not very far though, it's short, too short.

I rose to my full height, walking towards her, she stepped back, I stepped forward until her thighs hit the back of the bed, "You look beautiful Angel." I laced my fingers with hers, pulling her out of the room before she changed her mind.

Due to her lack of clothing, I chose my car since it wasn't exactly warm outside. I didn't want her to freeze, or flash every car on the road, or get hurt incase anything happened if we took my bike.

She was silent the whole car ride, her head resting on the passenger winding watching the cars pass by. Her scent filled my car, that warm vanilla scent I haven't stopped thinking about since that night.

When we finally arrived, her eyes lit up squirming in her seat to get the seatbelt off. It's a small diner, a semi run down look to it that makes it seem more rustic. She's clearly been here before. "They have the absolute best milkshakes on earth!" She bounced around as we got out of the car, she laced her fingers with mine and hurried me inside.

Warmth shot up my arm as she did so, like my whole body was freezing until I felt her touch. I don't know how I can go without her touch, or how the fuck i'm supposed to let her go after today, she'll always be around, whether it's with parker or Val. I pray to god it's not fucking Parker.

Her elbow jabbed repeatedly into my side, waiting for me to order, after I did she fumbled around her bag for her wallet. My hand wrapped around her wrist, halting her movements. "If I'm around, don't even think about bringing your wallet." Her eyes widened, giving me a glorious view of her golden honey eyes.

I pulled my hand away even though every part of my body was begging to stay there forever, and finally paid. The old lady at the counter must think we're two hyper active sloths, and that doesn't even make any damn sense.

I rested my hand on her lower back, ushering her towards the far corner of the diner. "So..what exactly are we hanging out for?" I had to think for a second, hoping she'd forgotten all about that, which is impossible giving the circumstances.

"Are you and Parker dating?" I raised a brow, watching her lips twitch up into a smile. "Wouldn't you like to know Adonis." The way she dragged out my name killed me. I hate every single thing this woman does to me.

"I'll take that at as no. You don't strike me as someone who would go for him anyways." He jaw dropped at my words, "And what kind of person do you think I go for?"

"You don't want someone who's soft, an open book. You like the mystery, the fight to figure a person out, I don't believe you'd go for him, he's too nice." Her brows furrowed, the wheels in her head clearly turning once again. "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm trying to figure out how you're inside my brain." I couldn't help but laugh, she gave herself up fairly easily. "I love it when you laugh" her eyes went wide, her hand clapping over her mouth as soon as she said the words.

"Oh yea?" I can't help myself, I need to know more. "What else do you love about me?" She rolled her eyes, taking a long sip of her milkshake. "Give me a shot of tequila and maybe I'll tell you"

The rest of our little...date went smooth. All it needed was that one slip up for us to roll into an easy conversation. I hate how much i enjoyed talking with her, the way she smiles and the sound of her laugh. It's killing me, have I said that already?

We sat in my car for a good two hours before I walked her back to her room, greeting a very excited Val in the process. Did I say this was the last time I'd be around her? Or that this was to get her out of my system? Because I lied, big time.

Word count: 1140

you guys i'm the worst, 1 i'm sorry this is so short, 2 this was originally going to be Val's POV but since I've been gone I wanted to give you guys some Adonis time! 3 i've been so out of it and haven't been able to write anything decent, but I had to get something out for you guys!

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Love, ash:)

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