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I've mastered manifestation

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I've mastered manifestation. Or..I've pleaded with God so much that he finally gave me a break. One week...That's all we have. I didn't want to agree, but that man is so enticing it hurts. How can I say no to him?

He sleeps soundly next to me, his lips slightly parted and his eyes shut softly. There is still a pillow fort in between us, I told him and I quote, no more funny business. Sure, our sex life will always be great. He sure as hell knows how to make a woman feel good, but, this isn't what this week is about.

No arguments, no ignoring, and no sex. For him, one week is easy to pass this test. it's me that I'm worried about. I could blow up this whole trial period in two days. That is why I decided on it.

My therapist is not going to like this idea one bit. She goes on and on about how she's proud of me for taking a step back. Unfortunately for her, I thrive on impulse decisions. I'm an incredibly rash person. I make quick decisions with no thought to it.

My emotions are on constant overdrive. When I feel sad, I'm locked in my room for days on end. When I'm angry, it projects onto everyone I know. When I'm happy, I'm jumping over the fucking moon. Going out, studying like a madman. The whole shebang.

People's tone of voice and attitude are quick to trigger these. Even over text, and that is one of the few reasons I ended things with Adonis so abruptly. I didn't think I'd fully go through with it until he raised his voice back. I'm a fucking hypocrite.

If it wasn't inappropriate, I'd text her twenty-four-seven. I didn't expect to like the first one I came across, but Sandra is the sweetest lady on earth. She even showed me her newborn the other day. I hate babies, but hers was acceptable.

"What are you doing?" His husky morning voice filled the quiet air, sending small shivers up my arms. The effect he has on me is overwhelming at times. Like the red string theory. He's pulling me in with every waking breath he takes, and I can't seem to stray away from him.

"Don't ignore me, Vivian." I huffed out a puff of air. "I'm not, I'm sorry. I was just thinking." I lay low beside him but kept my gaze on the roof. "Don't leave me in suspense." His arms wrap around my waist, furthering the goosebumps. "About how my life turned out this way." His hold only tightens at his words.

"You know, I don't believe everything happens for a reason, but everything that has happened; happened. You can't go back, you can only move forward." I let out a soft laugh at his words "Since when did you become so wise?" His laugh joined mine, filling the quiet air. "Maybe I've been hanging out with Parker too much."

Parker has a weird way with words. For such a goofy kid, he will spill out the most eye-opening words known to man at random times. One minute, you're talking about the last girl he hooked up with, then he's on about how the moon and the stars fucking align.

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