𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Play this song at the flower:)

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Play this song at the flower:)

If it doesn't attach, its Turning Page

It was an impossible task trying to slip out of Adonis' arms this morning. He sleeps like a bear in hibernation. It took longer than I'd like to admit to get out of his hold.

I've been up since four am. I have been working like an FBI agent, slowly moving all of my gifts down into the living room. I feel like Santa without the chimney, tiptoeing down the stairs balancing boxes on my arms. I've adapted sure stealth in the span of three hours, I'm basically a pro.

I start up a fresh pot of coffee, letting the smell fill the kitchen as it brews. I pour myself the first cup before getting started on breakfast. I've been extremely productive the last two days, I didn't realize how much I missed it until now.

I start the stove up, placing two different pans on the burners. This Airbnb is fully stocked up, I love it. I crack the eggs into a mixing bowl, whisking some milk and seasoning in. The bacon pops in the pan next to me as I pour the eggs into the second one. I keep an eye on the two pans as I grab plates and silverware, placing them out on the island counter.

"Merry Christmas you sexy bitch!" Val comes running up to me, almost taking me down in her hug. "Merry Christmas Val, I love you!" I sway us side to side for a moment before letting go, dumping the eggs into a bowl. "Look at you being a housewife!" She has single-handedly ruined the moment.

"Merry Christmas you two!" Parker comes in with a bright smile, pulling us into a three-way hug. "I've dreamed of this moment my whole life." The second person of the day to ruin the Christmas vibe. Damian is the next to file in, a sour look on his face. "Merry Christmas you psycho early birds." He let out a groan, resting his elbows on the counter. "Eat up! I just finished making breakfast."

My mind wanders off to Adonis, he's not a morning person that's for sure, but he doesn't sleep in this late. He's usually awake watching me like a creep until I wake up. I swear I can feel him looking in my sleep. he even shows up in my dreams. Maybe he put a curse on me, and that's why I think about him so damn much.

As if he could hear my thoughts, he comes sauntering in the kitchen with a lopsided smile. "Merry Christmas you guys." He came up towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Merry Christmas, angel." I lean up towards him, pressing my lips against his. "Merry Christmas you creep." He only smiles down at me, seems like everyone is in a good mood today.

"Wait.. where is Seb?" I didn't even realize, that's definitely messed up. "He's last-minute wrapping. I told him ten times!" He ran in shortly after, "Merry mother fucking Christmas!" He pants the words out, grabbing a slice of bacon off the counter. "Can we go open our gifts now?" He didn't have to tell any of us twice, that's for sure.

We all sat around the couch, the coffee table is now full of colorfully wrapped boxes. I sit crisscross, leaning into Adonis' side, "Are you excited to see what you got?" He looks down at me with the. cutest smile. "I'm excited, I don't remember the last time I've gotten a real gift." A small detail on his life, it was such a small comment, but I've never felt more grateful that he shared something with me.

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