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   I'm starting to convince myself with my lack of friends

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I'm starting to convince myself with my lack of friends. I think I might actually rot away if I continue to sulk in my room every day. I mean, I have Anna I guess, but I'm too nervous to actually reach out to her.

I mainly only hang out with Val's friends by force, by force I mean they come to our room way too often. I think I need to branch out. I scan my eyes around the classroom, hoping to find someone who looks nice enough to talk to.

"Vivian" My head whipped around, I was shocked to see Adonis back in class due to his absence last week. "Hi" Hi? who just says hi? I was still extremely uncomfortable around him, I didn't enjoy the fact that I couldn't read him one bit.

I continued my silent search for a friend, absentmindedly bouncing my leg as I did so. A large hand wrapped around my thigh, halting my movements, "What did I tell you about that?" my leg was on fire from his touch, he squeezed firmly but not painfully before letting go, turning his attention back to the Professor.

My eyes were practically bulging out of my skull. I brought my legs up onto the chair, crossing them underneath me as to keep myself from doing it again, cracking my knuckles instead.

I give up. There's no way on earth I'm going to find a friend in silence, maybe I need to catch them organically, which feels psychically impossible. Maybe I'll drag Val out of the dorms this weekend, I'm not sure how many people I'll get the chance to converse with at a bar, but look at Sebastian and Val, there's got to be hope for me.

We were dismissed soon after my encounter with Adonis, I packed my things back into my bag quickly, ready to tell Val about my mission for friends. "Vivian, come over to mine this weekend, our essay is due next week"

I blinked at him, as I tend to do when he tries to talk to me "What did I say about asking?" I mocked his words from earlier, only earning a harsh stare in return.

"Can you come over to my dorm this weekend to help finish my essay?" His jaw clenched quickly after he spoke, I started to walk away with a small smile on my face. "Text me and I'll let you know!"

I pushed my way through the halls quickly after, not wanting to piss him off even more. I tried my best to walk back to my room, but a wave of dizziness hit me like a brick. When was the last time I ate? I swallowed the lump in my throat, making my way back to the dining hall.

I have yet to step foot in here, and my anxiety was already through the roof before I even stepped inside. As I entered, I kept my head down, letting my long hair cover up the sides of my face. I scanned what was available as quickly as possible, grabbing a parfait and going up to use my credits.

I didn't dare open it until I made my way back outside towards the dorm room. It didn't look half bad actually, and I really love strawberries. Pulling the spoon out of its plastic, I slowly scooped out a bite, the granola and strawberry taste making my mouth water.

I felt bad not grabbing one for Val, but I was sure she'd make her way down to the dining hall later in the day with Sebastian. They're practically inseparable, kind of like us. I'm happy for her, I've tried for years to set her up with someone, but alas she had much hirer standards than most of us. I need her to teach me how she does it.

I hate to say it, but I'm afraid my standards are practically six feet under, given my choices of men in the past. Hopefully I've grown, I haven't been in a relationship for over two years now, or really shown interest in guys whatsoever, so hopefully the next time around I won't settle for the bare minimum.

Finally, I made it back to my room, with a lovely greeting from Val, by lovely, I mean she's passed out, hanging off the side of her bed. I shook her awake, excited to tell her about my new mission. "Val...Val...Valentina!" she sprung awake after multiple attempts of waking her up, falling off her bed in the process.

"Jesus V cant a girl get some sleep around here" I rolled my eyes, not forgetting when she woke me up by bringing all of her friends over. "You're awake now that's all that matters. I have a the best idea ever. Let's go out to the bar this weekend, I'm on a mission to find friends, and I won't stop until I've found at least one"

Val eyed me suspiciously, shrugging off my excitement, "We already have friends Val, but you know I'm down to get dressed up and dance!"

"No disrespect Val but those are your friends, I need less masculine energy lurking around our room" She flashed me her bright smile, chuckling at my words. "Okay okay, i'm in" I jumped up from my bed in excitement, I had a good feeling about it already.

"Let's do Friday night, unfortunately for me I have to help Adonis this weekend with his essay, so to make my life easier I'll do that Sunday, giving me Saturday to recover"

"I don't think you should need a day to recover after making friends V" Val laughed at my dramatic statement, a real belly laugh, I didn't quite get what was so funny, she had a much better social battery than me.

Val and I spent more of the rest of our evening rummaging through our clothes, mainly Val while I shook my head no and told her to put it back. Although I loved going out, sometimes I wish I could cover up more without dying from a heat stroke or feeling out of place. Maybe by Friday my excitement will outweigh my confidence.

As we settled in for the night, my phone chimed from the bedside table. I squinted my eyes from the bright light, it was a text from Anna.

Anna Banana: Hi! just curious if you were in the mood for a walk:)

I had an internal battle with myself for awhile, deciding between the comfort of my bed or the crisp night air. After a few minutes I finally decided to text back.

Sure! You caught me just in time lol, I'll be down shortly!

I got out of bed as quietly as possible, hoping not to wake Val up. Pulling a navy blue crew neck over my head, I made my way out of the room.

"Hey stranger!" Anna was right outside of the doors as I exited, starling me a little bit. "Hey, what's got you out and about so late?" I dug around in the small bag I brought down with me, pulling out a cigarette.

Anna scrunched her nose at me, something I tended to do often as well. "Just got bored of being in my bed, I cant sleep." I nodded, cupping my free hand around the cigarette as I lit it between my lips. "Oh god I'm sorry, do you want one?" I raised a brow at her, but she quickly shook her head.

"You know smoking kills right?" her words had a hint of sarcasm in them. "If it does I hope my family lies and puts something cool on my tombstone, like...prisoner on the loose gets taken down in high speed chase"

"Isn't that a little embarrassing? To die in the high speed chase? Id want to be on the news for being wanted after getting away" I couldn't help but laugh, nodding in agreement. I guess dying that way would be kind of humiliating, I don't like to lose.

Anna and I spent over an hour walking around campus, talking about silly things, like who was most likely to survive a bear attack. After sometime I grew extremely tired, surprisingly her as well.

When we finally went out separate ways she pulled me into a tight hug. "I hope to do this again sometime, don't fall asleep on me too early" I was surprised by the sudden hug, but squeezed her back lightly before letting go.

I flashed her a small smile before making my way back up to my room. Maybe I was making friends organically, just...slowly..very very slowly.

Word count: 1446!
Finally some more Anna action! I hope guys end up loving her as much as I do!

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