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My dorm room looks barren as I step inside

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My dorm room looks barren as I step inside. Val and I have spent the past three days packing everything up into pouring taped boxes by yours truly. Finals are coming up, and then we are out of the dorms for good.

I'm terrified to live with everyone twenty-four-seven. Part of me knows how bad of an idea this is, but the other part is so happy. God forbid anyone gets in a fight, we are all screwed. Or if Adonis and I break up for any ungodly reason, I'm going to be sleeping on the fucking couch.

I've decided I need a job. I've never been opposed to having one, nor do I have a bad work ethic. I have just drowned myself in school and basked in the only good thing my father has given me. I'm excited to have my own hard-earned money for the first time since high school.

Something feels wrong about today, but I can't put a finger on it. Maybe it's the stress of waiting for shit to break loose again or the fact that I'm packing up my campus life for good.

It's still painfully awkward moving in. Running into sebastian is like running into someone you hate from high school. I'm sure I'll adjust, but I'm sure as hell not happy about it. "I'm getting sick and tired of packing, V!" Val tosses herself onto her now sheetless bed, her head landing right on her pillow. "Well, Adonis is MIA, so we should go out!"    

Her head pops up at the speed of light, intrigue written all over her face. "What do you mean he's, MIA." She gestures air quotes around the last word, "He's stuck to you like glue. Adonis doesn't just disappear." Worry settles in my stomach. "I guess I didn't think of that." I'm a terrible girlfriend, I haven't questioned once where he has been, and I haven't heard from him since he helped us drop some boxes off at the apartment.

"Let's go find him!" Unlike me, Val is ecstatic. In high school, this was her favorite pastime. Finding what our boyfriends at the time were up to, or even ex-boyfriends. "How are we gonna do that?" She looks at me like I'm nuts. "Do you not have his location, V? Red flag!" She hollers, snatching my phone from my hand. "One nine seven three, right?" I've had the same code since I got a phone, it was my lunch number, funny enough.

She starts to zoom in on his current location, her brows pulled together firmly. "V...where the fuck is he?" I feel like I'm going to throw up as I inch closer to her, peering over her shoulder. His small bubble shines in the middle of nowhere. The photo I have set for him, which is him sleeping on my chest taunts me. "He's two hours away? Let me text him." I snatch the phone back, typing away like a madwoman.


Where are you


Why the fuck are you leaving me on read?


"I'm gonna fucking kill him." I sneeze the phone so hard the tips of my fingers turn white, while I watch Val unpack one of the brown boxes. "Put this on!" She tosses me a black hoodie like we're going on a CIA mission. We basically are, at least in my mind. "I wish I had my beenies." She throws a grey hoodie on over her head while I slip into my own. "Let's go before he turns around! You shouldn't have texted him, you idiot!"

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