ch 22 - 5 Years Later "And" Little Eva's health deteriorates....

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Now forward,

Gopal's house,

The sound of someone screaming is heard. When everyone looks back, Shanaya is running scared from Kittu because he was licking her feet.

And all the other children were laughing looking at her, then a sister-in-law came in between everyone and picked up Shanaya in her lap. Looking at everyone she said - "When she is scared then why are you guys taking her to her." ....

Everyone became silent then little Eva said while sitting in her car - "Brother, I was just introducing Sanu to my kitten, she is running away in fear, he did something, he was just licking her and Was making love...

Ishi also said – “Yes future brother, we are all right….

Looking at Shanaya, Bhavin said lovingly - "Shanu and everyone are playing, there is no need to be afraid, you also talk to him. Sanaya started getting scared, then Bhavin forcefully introduced her to Kittu and Kittu entered into Sanaya's stomach and started tickling her and Shanaya started laughing and then she also started playing with him and everyone else was surprised  watching them from the side, then everyone got busy in their work….So the same Ved saw little Eva who was sitting lovingly with Kittu in her hands and how could  Ved see that his angel would give even the slightest nudge to someone else while he was there…

He walked towards her and took Kittu from her hands and placed it down.

But Little Eva was looking very unhappy with his action. She looked towards Veda with a pouting face and said - "Ved , why did you snatch our Kittu from us?"

Ved looked at him angrily and said, "Angel, you have played enough, now go and eat."

As soon as Little Eva was about to say something, Ved stared at her, so she did not say anything and then went away with her. While leaving, Ved was looking at Kittu as if he was his real enemy, so he was like a spade and also like a queen of spades, all this. We were able to see very well how much Ved cared for his princess….

Then everyone started eating food together….

Everyone ate food and went to their respective homes. Everyone had a lot of fun today….

The next day, after explaining the order to his princess, the queen went back to Rajasthan.

Everyone's days go by with joy and happiness like this...

5 years later,,

Now everyone had grown up and had gone to the next class, Ved, Anay and Aayu were now in 11th and Bhavin in 10th, Aradhana was in 9th and Ansh, Yug and Ishi, all three were in 8th standard and Shanaya was in 8th standard and Shanaya was in Anshi and our lovely little one. Eva was in 7th but now everyone had become smart….

Apart from a few people who you will get to know later….

Meanwhile, Hukum Sa Hukum Rani Sa kept meeting her daughter and she also kept talking to Veda regularly.

Even today everyone had come to school, everyone was sitting in the library.. Bhaveen was explaining something to Shanaya and Shanaya was eating his brain more than understanding.

Bhaveen wanted to study because his 10th exams were going to be held soon.. Bhaveen got irritated and said to Sanaya - "Shanu, please focus quickly because I have to study for myself too. Since when did you understand me in one question?" I am tired of explaining but nothing is going through your big brain.

After listening to him, Sanaya said smilingly - "I am doing it, please explain it to me once more."

Bhavin said angrily - "I will explain just one more time, after that Sanaya did not understand and nodded yes like a sensible child...

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