Chapter Three

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"Do you know where Carrie is?" I asked Leo and she frowned.

"Upstairs she went with a tall fellow." Leo said taking a shot with a man and I grabbed her hand.

"He is Sixty four years old! You are not becoming a playboy bunny tonight." I whispered in her ear and she gasped. I pulled her up the steps and through rooms interrupting people with their 'activities'. I opened the four door of the floor and walked in with Leo in tow. I looked up at the couple and was about to apologize when I realized who it was. Carlos and a girl from my English class Miranda Derenda under him in the bed. In shock I fell backwards only for a Pare of hands to catch me. I covered my mouth and tears filled my eyes.

"No." I whispered and Carlos jumped up covering himself with the sheet of the bed while she covered her self with the comforter.

"How dare you?" I asked them staring at her.

"Alex its not like this I was trying to get off her." He said and I looked at him standing up.

"Its over." I said as a tear fell from my eye. I turned walking out before he could answer and turned to whom ever caught me. There stood Sam with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm okay." I told him and he stepped forward and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him too and let out a sigh.

"Alex?" I turned to see Carrie standing with Leo and smiled at them.

"I'm going home girls. You can stay I'll have the limo driver come around when you call him, Okay?" I asked and worry crossed their faces.

"But we can't just stay." Carrie said and I shook my head.

"Yes, stay for me, please." I said and she smiled and nodded. I turned to Sam and smiled.

"Hey I'm on the way to my new place I can drive you home." He offered and I nodded waving to the girls. He took my arm and lead me out to the carpet where a beautiful blue Cadillac was parked.

"Nice car." I said to him and he smiled. We got in and he pulled from the curve. The drive was filled with soft music but no talking. I was afraid of making it awkward so I kept a smile on my face through the silence.

"Right here." I told him and he gave me a look of confusion as we pulled into the apartment complex park.

"Thank you." I told him going to open the for but I paused. The car was off and he was already on my side opening the door.

"Why thank you." I said to him and he smiled. I walked to my door and turned to say 'goodbye' but Sam was gone. I shrugged my shoulders and noticed his car was not still in the parking lot. I shrugged my shoulders and opened my door going in.

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