⚫Wade's Flash back⚫

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"You take the left I'll take the right! Make every scout bleed!" King Vladimir yelled to us and we smiled. The army awaiting us was no match for the six of us. They had canons, swords, and arrows but we had super speed, agility, super strength and the hunger of souls.

"Go!" Vlad yelled and we each took our corners. I smiled entering the first tent and beheading six soldiers before going to the next and next. We had forty eight little tents and six big tents holding more armed soldiers. I was the first to get through most the little tents. They were stupid to bring woman and children with them on their journeys to act tack our helpless kingdom. Slaughting them brought pain to my heart so I left them unconscious.

"Looks like someone knows too much mercy." Roaik yelled at me and I bit back an remark and entered the next tent. Everyone in the tent was dead but I still sensed a life form inside. I stepped forward to a huge chest and opened it revealing a little girl huddling inside.

"Don't scream and I won't hurt you." I said quickly but she just looked up at me with wide eyes. Something about this girl made me think and go against commands. I grabbed the girl and fled the battle grounds. When we reached a safe place I settled down and bought a house raising the child as my own but dreams aren't for the strong and she was stricken down with fever. I brought her to Zenthor who claimed we'd have to change her to save her, so I did. Giving her half my soul she awoke and I raised her for years without complications. Then one night when she was just about to turn seventeen Vladimir showed up at my door. He was looking for a fight and thats what he got. We fought hard tearing each others flesh and breaking bones until he brought a witch named Gorac into the room. Gorac took me down with his magic while Vlad found the girl and dragged her from me Never to be seen again. I felt the day when she died like a piece of my soul had been stolen. I fell to the ground in a local grocery store and began to cry but nobody stopped to give me pity. Nobody but a little girl that wandered from her mother and father. She was only six years old but she had beautiful sun kisses and long brown hair.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a tiny voice and I smiled at her.

"Yes, I am okay. I just lost someone dear to me." I told her and she frowned.

"I'm sorry." She said and I smiled.

"Its okay, what is your name young girl?" I asked and she smiled holding the bundle of flowers in her hands.

"Alexis Renin." She whispered before her mother called for her, she dropped the flowers and she ran back to her mother. I looked down at the ground where the flowers landed and smiled picking them up. I watched as the child left with her mother and smiled at myself. It wasn't everyday you meet a soul so pure.

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