Chapter Ten

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"Leona?" I asked and she frowned and walked forward. Her hair was its usual blue and she seemed to have a dark glow to her.

"Hey, Alex. How you feeling?" She asked when she was close enough and I frowned.

"Your one of them?" I asked and she smiled and gave a hug.

"Shh, don't tell Carrie." She said and I heard the echo of heels behind her.

"Carrie?" I asked and Carrie smiled hugging me.

"Shut up, Leona." Carrie said and Leo scoffed before turning to Zenthor and bowing.

"Apprentice." Zenthor murmured and played my head back.

"So I was the clueless one." I said and Carrie shook her head.

"You were the human one." Carrie smiled and Zenthor stepped forward.

"Not quite." We all looked at him and he kept his usual poker face.

"She's a witch." Zenthor said and we all looked at him confused.

"No, I'm pretty sure I would know." I said and he shook his head walking with the click of his cane to the chalk board and writing it down.

"Witches need guides to unlock their powers at the age of eighteen, right?" Zenthor said and Carrie nodded. I looked down at her hand and noticed the glow of her hand.

"Well parents are assigned to each witch to be guides, a mother and father invade something happens to one. Well, in Alexis case her witch mother lost her assigned father another witch due to unknown causes and her real father a vampire named Alec Reninoman stepped into the picture. There you go. She's a half breed." He said throwing the chalk down and making Carrie scoff.

"That's preposterous." She said turning to look at me and I smiled.

"What now? Do I say Bippity boppity boo and I'll be fixed?" I asked wincing at the pain.

"No, that's a fairy god mother not a witch." Carrie said and turned back to the old man.

"Then why are you here Carrie Richards? Prime protector of strong witches?" Zenthor asked and she looked at everyone and huffed.

"She's a witch, just not a half vamp one." Carrie said and Leo nodded.

"I would have been detecting the vampire blood when I drained on her." Leo said and I gasped.

"You do what?" I asked and she smiled and shrugged.

"You allowed me, and what does it matter I didn't kill you." She said and I frowned beginning to just want to go back to bed.

"What if..." We all turned to my uncle who had appeared mysteriously.

"We use a parents blood to bring her back to full par?" He asked and Zenthor smiled for the first time.

"Yes, but where would we recover some of her deceased father's blood?" Zenthor asked and my uncle smirked.

"From his very alive body, in the prisons of the witches." My uncle said and a shocked expression crossed Carries face and she turned to me. I looked at her and turned away looking at the ground. The pain was now doubled in my chest and I wanted to die.

"Why don't you go discuss it outside so we can get her comfortable." I turned to see Carlos standing there with a frowned on his face. I sighed and looked at Wade who was the other person Carlos was referring to. Everyone went out except the two and I smiled at Wade as he kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry lover boy, I'm not going to take back what's mine." Carlos said and my attention snapped towards him. He was making up a bed for me to lay in that was promised to be much more comfortable.

"I'm not worried about you trying to, I'm worried about you compelling her too." Wade spit at him and Carlos smiled(He loves fights as we recall).

"I wouldn't have to compel her to come back to this." Carlos said and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop." I whispered but no one listened.

"You think she wants you after she found out how much of a man whore you are?" Wade said walking to the other side to meet Carlos halfway. They said other things but I couldn't understand cause the pain in my chest had gotten worst. Then there was a flash and the two were punching, and ripping at each other.

"St-STOP!" I screamed the two looked at me. I was standing up beside the bed holding the metal table for support and crying.

"Hey, let go of the table." Wade said at one side.

"Yeah, your doing some pretty bad damage to it." Carlos said on the other side. I looked through my clouded tear filled eyes at the table which was bent in half and in my hand which was on fire.

"Ahhh!" I screamed dropping it and looking at my hand. The flames rounded it perfectly and I looked up at them and felt myself become dizzy. I felt my feet come from under me and my body hit the ground.

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