Chapter Two

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"Hello, Snack. Ready to give us our homework?" They asked and I looked at my bracelet.

"I could always write it down or you know what sounds better! Do it yourselves!" I told them and shoved my books towards Mark and James then turned to Shane and smiled.

"You want to give me more of your fears go ahead. Your mom dying isn't your worst is it?" I said and he cowardly backed away from me before I rushed to the hall closet and shut myself inside. I locked the door and pushed the vampire dust over the door jam so even if they finally got it open it would hurt them very much to cross through the door.

"Open this door, Snack!" Mark screamed and I crawled to my make shift bed and fell into a vision.


"Wade, their behind us." I tried to say but nothing came out. I looked up him studying his features. His jaw was clenched and he had stubble on his chin. We turned a corner and I grabbed him, my head screaming from rush and he looked down at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and I blinked.

"A bit fuzzy actually." I told him and he smiled and turned another corner.

"Where are we?" I asked and he frowned.

"We are still in Chicago, I took you to the cave with the others and they agreed to help now we just need to get you better." He said smiling at me. I smiled back and looked behind recognizing one of the bikers from before that was dropping off the girl. We slowed down in a crowd and I looked at Wade.


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