Chapter Eight

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I opened my eyes. Before me stood an angel with white hair and a white dress covered with blood.
"Dahlia, I'm Mara. You were wrong," she said and I sat up looking around at the battle field everyone hugged and were happy. I looked back at Mara.
"Thought you were alone and unloved but you were always loved." She said hugging me. I smiled and she helped me up.
"Go to your family. Be with them." She said and I smiled. I walked to Freya and Bree who both hugged me and then to Silas.
"Silas, we are cousins not lovers but I think there's a girl from school who has had an eye on you for a long time." I told him and then turned to two people standing with Wade and Mara.
"Mom? Dad?" I asked and they smiled. I ran forward hugging them both. We broke from our hug and I looked around at all my family and felt the love.

We stood together and I looked around and I couldn't help but smile. I was with my family and they gave me hope.

I hugged everyone one and watched Bree. She ran over to me and her tears soaked my shirt. I smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Don't fear my dear we will protect you."

10,000 years later,
"Its okay dear, don't let their opinions bother you. You were the one who was born to be on the thrown, the one born for Royalty."

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