Chapter Six

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I looked over at Wade. He caught my stare and looked at me. After all we had been through he kept this secret from me. I couldn't believe it. I looked from him unable to hide my discuss and he turned walking to the door. I watched him as he opened the door without looking back and walked away.
"I'm scared." I turned to Milo and pulled her into a hug.
"Everything will work out. I promise." I told her as the sky outside darkened.

I stepped into the clearing holding my sword as I was attacked by the vampires. They piled one on top of another trying to kill me but with one hit my sword cut them making them bleed.
"Kill her! Kill her!" Vlad yelled and more attacked. I thought it was the end when Silas and two others burst from the brush. With our swords we killed more. I looked over at Silas who came near me.
"Who your friends?" I asked and he smiled.
"That's my uncle Greg and a boy from when my mom was in school named Mark Samson who wants to help!" He explained as we killed more vampires and I gave them both a nod.
"All of you kill them!" Vlad yelled and the fighting stopped for a moment as the whole army surrounded us. We all breathed heavily and stood back to back.
"I want you all to run. Go protect the rest of the family." I said and Silas grunted.
"Never." He said and I sighed.
"Silas I love you." I said pushing him to the others who grabbed him and dragged him into the trees. Few vampires followed them but the rest attacked me. I fought taking the ones in front and me out and then turning taking the way there down. They tore my back up and brought me to the ground and quickly but not until I ad at least taken out a hundred or so.
"Don't kill her, bring her to me." Vlad commanded and they dragged me to him and pushed me to the ground. I looked up at him as he kneeled next to me.
"You traitorous little girl." He smiled grabbing my chin and holding it so I had too look at him.
"I know why your doing this. Its okay Vlad, you don't as to be mad anymore, Wade will apologize." I told him and he laughed.
"You got me all wrong child." He said walking a few steps to my left before turning to me and smiling.
"You see our sister was not only our sister, in our culture three boys are born a one female and which ever boy won the heart of the girl would be king. Well as first born when I found out that her and your father fell for each other I became angry because it didn't seem fair, so I was going to kill them both, but they tricked Wade and came here. Without any proof they crowned my cousin king so I came here in search of truth, that when I found that Mara had ran from your father with another man who killed her and Wade was left alone. I blamed it all on them so I went for Sam but he was always moving so I hit him in a hard place." He stopped and I gasped.
"Me and mother." I said loud enough for him to hear.
"Exactly. Then I found out Wade daughter your cousin killed your father and your father killed her aunt well I only had one target left so I thought you why not conquer your uncle and California!" He said laughing and I growled.
"You'll never defeat us!" I screamed and he kneeled down, I've already done so." He said having some of the vampires lift me and holding a knife to my throat. I felt every time I took a breath it cut deeper in my throat.
"Stop!" He turned and moved the knife. I followed his gaze to the tree line where they stood, in front Freya, Mark, Grey, Milo and Shane. Everyone else stood behind them. The left people from town gathered with them carrying whatever they could as weapons. Witches held their hands to their sides with magic glowing in their palms.
"What is this?" Vlad asked and Wade stepped forward.
"My family." He said and Vlad frowned.
"You think they love you Wade! What a lie!" Vlad laughed and I laughed behind him. He turned to me.
"They love him more than anyone will ever love you." I said and he growled stabbing me in the stomach with his sword. The vampires dropped me and I fell I watched my family as they screamed and charged. Everyone followed them into battle, I watched them until my breath stopped and my eyes slid shut...

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