Chapter One

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The sky was its usual dark scheme as I walked to first period. I held my books close to my chest as I entered the halls and passed a group if students. They looked at me and smiled giving me the look I give my favorite chips Munchos.

"Where you going in a rush, Snack?" The jock of our school Mark Samson called and I scoffed.

"To first period to get away from the horrible blood stench of your breath Samson." I told him and he growled and smelt his breath. I turned the corner and entered my class sitting before the teachers desk.

"Good morning Milo." Mr. West said and I stood up walking over to him and putting my head on his shoulder to see his computer.

"Morning Mr. West." I said lookin over the Night notes he was typing. I smiled to myself knowing Mark wasn't a fast writer and the fact that Mr. West was a very typical about people taking notes and didn't like spending twenty minutes on one word.

"Go take you seat the bell is going to in ten seconds." Mr. West said and I nodded going to my seat and opening my art book. I began doodling right away when the bell rang and the other students entered. They looked at the board and sighed before taking their seats or going back into the hall to talk and waist time. I didn't have to take notes because my photographic memory. If I seen it ten years ago I could still rehearse it to you word by word and that's why everyone smiled at me as they filed in the classroom as the bell rang and Mr. West clicked the board of notes and onto our assignment. I looked down at the bracelet around my wrist that was meant to make my blood smell vampiric and sighed.

"You have six minutes to finish the pop quiz, writing assignment and speeches before you give them in front of the whole class." Mr. West said and I looked down at my picture. It was a woman with black curled hair and violet eyes that I had seen last time one of Mark's friends Shane drank my blood. When somebody drinks my blood I see their dreams, fears and hopes or what their thinking about and they mine. I guess that's why they never kill me.

"Mark sit out side." Mr. West yelled and he frowned his eyes growing dark before he stood and walked to the door sending me an evil smile. I blew my short blond hair out of my face and looked up at the board. I would need all the of the lesson to survive what was to come. An hour later the bell rang and all the students rose and went to their dorm houses or homes off campus. I stood gathering my things slowly as Mark entered with two of his friends.

"Hey snack, why you taking so long?" He asked scooping up my things and throwing them at James while he grabbed me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Where do you think your going?" Mr. West said and we turned.

"Mrs. Milo is in trouble. She has a parent meeting this afternoon with me. Let go and leave." Mr. West said and Mark growled d before letting go of me and going to the door.

"Her books too." Mr. West said and James put them on the desk before turning and exiting the classroom. I sat down at Mr. West's desk and let my breath out.

"I'm sorry." He said grabbing a new braclet from the closet and putting it on my wrist.

"It's fine, Mr. West." I said standing but he stopped me and pulled me into a hug.

"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this position, Milo." He said and I felt tears gather in my eyes.

"A university for vampires with one broken human girl." The words of Professor Calmen broke my fear and pushed from Grey.

"No, if it wasn't for you I would be a family less little girl with not a hope in the world. Thanks to you I'm strong and have family." I stopped gripping my wrist.

"I have my brother." I looked at him and he smiled. An hour later I left the class and snuck to my dorm rooms only to be greeted by Mark and his friends once again.

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