Chapter Fifteen

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"Look I need to talk to you." He said and I shook my head.

"I need to go home." I said and he grabbed my arm pulling me in a dark empty room and pushing me against the wall.

"Are you a reaper like your sister?" He asked and I shook my head trying to think of a way out of his grasp.

"Did your sister reap before you left?" He asked and it hit me. He was looking for Alexis, and thinks Shay reaped me.

"Alexis was already gone, Wade." I said with pity in my voice.

"What do you mean already gone!?" He yelled pushing me against the wall harder. I looked at his hands then at his face and sighed.

"I was Alexis." I said and he pulled one hand off my arm and back handed me, busting my lip with his super strength.

"To tell you the truth I never thought you'd be like this when I was Alexis. How did I like you?" I asked myself out loud so he could hear. He turned kicking my in the gut twice.

"Who kicks a girl?" I asked when my breath cw back and he turned wrapping his hand in my hair.

"Your a liar! How could you have been Alexis?" He asked and I smiled.

"My sister erased my memories when I was younger causing me to become a baby again. We were running from the rebels in ninety eighty nine when she did and one man found me and took me home to his hospital unit. There I was mixed up and given to the Renins. They raised me ad I never knew the truth until she came to reap me. When you and Zenthor left the room I touched her forehead and everything came back to me. I am Freya Cardinal not Alexis Renin. Please stop!" I screamed when he moved to kick me again.

"Liar!" He said before grabbing me by the neck and pulling me up.

"Tell me the truth or I'll kill you." He said and I gasped for air. He smiled and dropped me. I gasped for air until I was satisfied and looked at him.

"I-i am t-telling the t-truth." I said and he frowned and turned kicking a nearby table and sending it flying into the wall.

"That's it!" He yelled coming towards me. He kicked me three more times before I blanked out......

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