Chapter Sixteen

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"How could you!" Shay screamed as they entered the home she and her sister shared for the day with the body wrapped in sheets. She avoided the guards and slapping Wade with furiously before turning to the body within the sheets and opening it a little. Wade didn't make eye contact with Shay when he went by her and into the first room. It had Red wall papers and had pictures of Shay and friends. Deciding that was Shay's bedroom he moved to the next with green wallpaper and opened the door. The smell of Alexis's perfume engulfed you and he opened her closet. All the clothes were new and unworn, bought from K-mart. He moved to the night stand and opened it.

"Found it." He whispered to himself pulling out Alexis's dream book. He put it in his pocket and walked into the living room nodding to the men who accompanied him. They picked up the body, with screaming Shay fighting them and walked out. Wade pushed Shay back and walked to the door. He turned to are her looking up at him with anger.

"Zenthor will be so disappointed in you." She said and he growled slamming the door and walking behind the other men to the castle and watching them as they placed the dead body into the smelter. The horrible smell of burnt flesh entered the room and he covered he face with his glove. When the last of the sheet burnt away they left going each to their duties except Wade. He went to his room and sat at his desk taking out the Journal. He opened the first page...
He read all but only a few caught his eye...

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