Chapter Four

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I hate emotions...
The next morning I woke up and felt like not going anywhere. I crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep.
Knock, knock!
I opened my door with no make up on and in my bath robe to see a big man standing there. He had a paper in his hand and frowned on his face.

"Hello Miss Rebel?" He asked and I cleared my throat and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Yes?" I asked and he turned the paper for me to see.

"Foreclosed?" I asked and he nodded handing me the paper. I looked it over and tears came to my eyes.

"For how long?" I asked and he pointed at the date which was two months ago today.

"How long do I have to get out?" I asked and he sighed.

"Unfortunately until tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning people will be coming in to clean and repair and the new owners will be doing renovations to this and sixteen other suite apartments." He explained and I gasped and turned looking inside my home for so long.

"Why wasn't I notified? Is that why there were movers here all week last week!?" I asked and he nodded. I turned looking at a photo of me and my parents. Even for someone like me with money I couldn't find some place by tomorrow.

"If you will just sign that saying that you were notified today I will be one my way to let you start packing." He said and I turned to him, tears going down my face. I wanted to yell and punch him but he was only the messenger and didn't deserve it. I turned to the bar and signed the paper.

"I'm very sorry." I said before he could and he smiled pitifully before I shut the door in his face and sank to the floor.

"I hate life!" I cried and took a deep breath. I was sitting there for a few seconds before another knock came to the door and I opened it.

"Yes?" I answered sounding annoyed.

"Hey, sorry about last night."

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