Chapter Thirteen

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"Look Alexis I have a plan but I rather tell you the plan to your face so if you can, touch my hand so I may see you." Wade asked and held out his hand for me to grab. I stepped forward placing my palm on his hand and he smiled looking at me and not through. I looked at him and smiled.

"Better?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay here's my plan." He said waving Zenthor over and we listened closely. I nodded every time he looked at me and smiled.

"So that's the plan." He said and I nodded.

"Now for step one. Get Carrie, Leo, Aj, Josh, Daniel, Liam and Dominic involved in the plan." I said and they nodded I watched them leave the room and sat on the bed next to the girl. Something about her was familiar like she was a long lost sister or best friend. I touched her forehead and scenes filled my head.

"Shay I'm scared." I cried as she crossed the bridge back to me.

"We have to keep going, Freya! The men are coming for us!" Shay cried and grabbed my arm forcing me to cross the broken bridge and run into the forest.

"Father can protect mother can't he?" I asked and she looked back at me.

"Father and mother are dead. You didn't feel the sharpness when it happened?" She asked and I looked down at the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry Freya I didn't mean to upset you. I forgot you were.... You know, adopted. I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings." She said stopping and hugging me before and arrow shot past our faces and grazed my ear. I cried and she grabbed me again and we ran at super speed. We were both vampires and we were found out by the local witches who turned all the townsmen against us and killed our family. We got far ahead but others waited for us on the other side of the forest and we had been taught not to kill so we hid. We stayed in a broken log for the night until Shay came up with an idea.

"Give me your neck." She said and I did and she bit into her wrist putting the blood into a bowl. She began in chanting and the blood turned purple then black. She leaned forward biting into my neck and I muffled my scream with my torn dress. She poured the blood into my wound and I looked at her.

"I love you and will find you one day. I promise." She said before grabbing a branch and hitting me in the head with it.
I sat up gasping and looked at Shay.

"What just happened?" I asked myself as she slept. I got up and walked over to a mirror on the wall and looked at myself. I gasped at my appearance. I had long curly black hair, lightly tanned skin like Shay's and bright violet eyes. I moved my arms making sure it was me before walking to the door and opening it. I walked in and everyone turned my way sending confused glances.

"Who are you?" Wade asked and I shook my head.

"Its-" I paused thinking for a moment.

"My name is Freya. I was looking for my sister and found her in here? Who are you?" I asked and they looked at each other and I looked at the old man. He had a smile on his face and was looking at his cane.

"Freya how did you get inside?" Leo asked and I crossed my arms. I had more curves than before and was muscular.

"I teleported to my sisters side, how else?" I asked and Carrie stood up and whispered something into Leo's ear and then Leo whispered to Wade.

"Your a witch?" He asked and I giggled. I must have gotten cockiness from my new looks.

"I'm hybrid." I explained and shock crossed everyone's faces.

"That's impossible you would have to be equally divided blood and have two mixed parents." Aj said and I sighed.

"My father was werewolf and vampire my mother was witch and vampire. I got all the genes." I explained and Wade began laughing.

"Your a liar." Wade said and I turned to him.

"Excuse me?" I asked and he crossed his arms.

"Shays sister was adopted." He said and I smiled at him taking a step forward and rubbing my hand down his cheek.

"I didn't say our parents did I?" I asked clutching his throat hard and then letting go so he could catch his breath.

"Take her and get out of my sight!" He yelled and I smiled. I went into the room and grabbed her bag. I pulled out a round unscripted coin and threw it on the ground. A portal opened and I lifted Shay in my hands carrying her inside. We teleported into a huge round building with people everywhere. It some what resembled a dream I once had. I carried Shay up the walkway to a room I had went into in my dreams. Opening it I realized everything was in place and the same. I walked to one if the beds and set Shay down before turning and walking into another room that was connected to the bedroom. It was a kitchen and three other doors opened to two spare rooms (originally bedrooms) and a dinning room. The spare rooms each had a huge bathroom and a door connected to the living room that I hadn't seen before because it was covered by hangers and clothes. The whole house seemed to be very cluttered and dirty so after going through some things and making sure it was my sisters house I began cleaning and organizing. I fixed up the bed rooms and put the bed in while Shay laid on the couch and put all her clothing in the bedroom with red wall paper closet. I put her in her bed and put the night stands in place before arranging the other room how I liked and moving to the living room again. I made more room, putting the couch against the wall and straightening the coffee table. I moved the TV against the biggest of the walls and hooked it up to the receiver. When everything was done it looked like a brand new house. As the last step I took my notebook from my bag and put it on the night stand in the room with green wallpaper. I laid on the bed and let out a sigh. If I was going to get away with this then I needed to be prepared. I got up and wrote a note placing it on the fridge and going out. I walked by bunches of people who gave me confused looks.
I went out to the parking lot and then to the street walking down it like I knew where I was going. I did because I turned and found a plaza with Walmart, K-Mart and more huge stores. I pulled out my card at the ATM and with drew sixty five thousand before rethinking my position. I turned walked a little further to a car dealership and bought and beautiful Silver Ford Taurus and drove off with it fully paid off. I went to the shop and got all the tires changed and bought some things for it like, a snow scraper, a couple seat belt guards and of course a minty smelling car scent. I drove to K-mart and thought two hundred and ninety dollars worth if clothes, then to JC penny and bought all matching shoes for six hundred and ten dollars, I went to Walmart last and bought food to put in the fridge (realizing the fridge was totally empty) and hurried home. I got all the food out first and took it into the house making sure to put all the frozen away first. I went out to get the clothes and when I returned Shay was sitting on her couch with an ice pack against her head.

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