Chapter Six

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I got to Carries house only to find it abandoned and empty. I began to panic so I looked through a box that was left in the attic. I found a note that said:

Dear Dahlia, meet me at this address to receive your antidote. -Carrie

I went to the house with the address and frowned. The mailbox out front read West. I went to the front door a went to knock just as I was surrounded by five vampires.

"In here to see Carrie." I said making peaceful motions but they ignored them and jumped on me. I struggled as they tied my with Vervain rope and dragged me inside. They put me in the kitchen at the table across from a woman and Carrie.

"I'll take that." Carrie sad taking the vial from me.

"What's going on!?" I asked and the woman looked down.

"You threatened my friends life. Why?" She asked and another woman he'd a knife to my throat.

"You trapped me. I trusts you an you trapped me? I should ave killed you." I said the Carrie and the woman holding the knife pressed it to my neck making my neck bleed a little.

"Or was the your plan to help me? Kill me? I dare you but just let me tell you something Milo West, Freya Cardinal and Carrie Richards. I'm Bree and your neglected son Silas's best friend. I have always protected Bree because she was the only one in this world capable of showing love. I have never experienced low until I met her and if you kill me I ask one thing... Tell her I'm sorry." I said as tears fell from my eyes.

"Mother! Stop it!" They turned to see Bree standing there with tears rolling down her face.

"Bree go to your room!" Milo yelled but she stepped forward.

"Its bad enough you killed her father! Her only chance at feeling love and know your going to kill my only chance at knowing love!" She screamed ad her mother removed the knife from my throat and turned to her.

"Stop being dramatic and go to your room." Milo said but Bree smiled.

"You think I never noticed it! The only day out of the year you show me love is the day I was born and even then you expect me to be happy! You chased my brother away and I can't even have my best friend over for fear you'll kill her!" She cried and I looked at her.

"Bree, I'm so so sorry." I cried and Freya stood up throwing the chair backwards.

"Bree go to your room!" She said as two men entered. One man grabbed Bree and dragged her out while to other excused the woman and sat across from me.

"Tell me about Vlad." He said and I recognized him from the picture Vlad showed me. I looked down and sighed.

"He's going to kill you, Wade." I said and he frowned.

"You ditched him with the princess Elise." I said and he frowned.

"Then you let her die..." I smiled and his frown deepened.

"How would he kill me I'm stronger than him." He said and I shook his head.

"He has an army." I said almost inaudibly.

"Liar." He said standing and throwing the table.

"Tell me the truth!" He yelled in my face and I began to shake. I looked at my hand, it was becoming skinny and pale. I felt myself weaken and looked down at the dead white hair that fell tom my head.

"It's too late." I said looking up at him.

"I'm so sorry." I said and tears fell from my eyes. I looked up at Freya who stood there her hand over her mouth.

"Just remember Wade," I said looking at him "with love you can overcome anything." I said as Silas pushed past Freya and kneeled next to me.

"No, Dahlia." He said grabbing my hand trying to get me to drain him. I smiled at him as my sight blurred with tears and I couldn't breath.

"I love you." I told him and I felt the warmth as he put his hand on my cheek.

"Goodbye." I said closing my eyes and slumping over.

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