Journal Entry 112-10/29/2009

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So much has happened to me on the past week. I went to the most popular occasion in the world, conquered my biggest fear, was cheated on, fell in love, was kicked out of my home, moved in with a man, witness and almost victim to murder, came to Chicago, brought a strange man home, learned that the world is screwed up and full of vampires and witches, got a body guard, and slept in the same bed with a man. This is going to be a awesome life! Not... I would have went and jumped off a cliff but something tells me that the Wade, the vampire, biker, man needs me. So its been a week now. I've been waking up to a missing body guard and cold eggs and pancakes (yes he makes me breakfast). This morning I woke up and realized my Journal (you) was in my purse and jumped with joy. As soon as I have a chance and now I might be safe somewhere I'll stash it. I promise that if I don't survive at least this will showing everything I did that was great (nothing) so some day somebody can look back and smile at something that happened. I could be someone's hope in their moment of darkness and this is why I must keep this journal hidden so nobody can find it and throw it away. That's all I have to write for today journal see you tomorrow.

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