Journal Entry 59 09/08/2001

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The dreams are back. Not the good one but the bad ones. That man is in them too. The one from the market when I was a child. I don't know what it has to do with him but it starts with him. He is crying like he was in real life but behind him is a woman with black hair and violet eyes. She is consoling him until she sees my stare. Then she disappears. I run forward getting on my knees and speaking to him. He seems so Roaik but then he reaches up and grabs my throat. He holds me up high choking me.
"Liar! Tell me the truth!" He yelled dropping me. Pain fills my body as I try to breath but can't. I gain my breath and tell him I am telling the truth but he just gets more angry and kicks me. I always wake up on the third kick even when I try to wake up before or stay asleep and I always have bruises where he kicked me. The doctor seen them the other day, she said I should go see a physic that will help take the bad dreams away... I'm scared Journal. I'm really scared.

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