Chapter Three

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I opened my eyes and looked at the coats hanging above my head. Letting out a small sigh I sat up and walked to the door , unlocking it and pushing it open. I walked out to the living room and let out a small gasp.

"Hey, Snack. Good morning." Mark said and I backed up to run but James planted his fangs into my shoulder. I gasped and screamed as Mark took my neck for the first time. I felt my knees weaken until they gave and I was hanging limp in Mark's arms. I closed my eyes as painful memories filled my mind.

"Milo your mother and father, they died today." A woman did and I stood holding my hand up and making the woman clutch her stomach in pain. She cried and gasped as I twisted her appendix until it burst and she screamed again.

"No more!" I opened my eyes as Mark pushed away from me and I fell hitting my forehead against the ground and busting it. I looked up at him and took a deep breath too stop my hard ones.

"Too much pain for you Mark?" I asked and he looked shocked. He got up wiped his face and ran out with James in tow. I let out a small whimper before curling into a ball on the ground and fading into a vision.


"What's going on?" I asked realizing Leo was crying with Carrie.

"You died." He said and I looked at him and laughed.

"Okay very funny! Jokes up what's going on?" I asked trying to touch Wades shoulder but my hand went through him and he shivered.

"What the heck!?" I screamed and looked at my hand then at Wade, he was looking around then looked at Zenthor.

"What is it?" He asked Zenthor and he sighed.

"Why don't you accompany me into another room to talk?" He asked and I nodded following him and realizing that Wade came too.

"She's here." Zenthor explained in another room and Wade blinked and looked where Zenthor was.

"I'm so sorry, I l-" He paused as the door opened and in walked a girl.

"Shay Ann." Wade asked and the girl smiled.

"Well you sure have a pretty one here." The girl said looking at me. She had long blond hair and freckles.

"You can see me?" I asked and she laughed.

"Of course I can. I'm a reaper." She said and I took a step back but Wade stepped in between us.

"You can't take her." He said and she let out a sigh.

"We've been through this Wadie she is dead her soul belongs to the big guy now I have to deliver or he'll kill us both." She said and he shook has head and grabbed her arm. She went to pull away but he did something and she fainted. He caught her and placed her on the bed in the room before coming back over.

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