Chapter Seven

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I opened my eyes to see Wade, and two other boys staring down at me.

"Please get out of my face." I said shyly and they backed up. I sat up and looked at the car on which I was laying on it hood. Shock crossed my face. My hair had gotten two feet longer and my face changed. I looked at my pure bright blue eyes and then looked at Freya. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned facing her. Freya was sanding there before me, her hand touched my shoulder leaving a feeling.

"You saved me." I said looking at her but she smiled.

"No, you saved us." She said and Wade walked up kissing her. I watched as her log back hair turned bright and when she looked back at me her face was different.

"Don't freak out." She said stepping towards me and putting her hand back on my shoulder.

"I am a princess, able to shape shift into different forms. I have three names, Alexis Renin, Princess Rokia, and Freya Cardinal. My close friends like you call me Freya and others call me Princess Rokia." She explained and I nodded. We talked some more about her and then we want to a more serious discussion.

"There's been wars for millions of years between the two, but never this bad." Wade explained the witch vs. Vampire war.

"They took the hall of elders and killed every helpless vampire there..." He said and Freya turned going to the window as if struck with pain.

"She lost her sister, Shay Ann." He explained and I stood walking to Freya.

"I'm so sorry." I told her and she wiped a tear from her cheek.

"No, its me who should be sorry. I knew your parents." We said and looked away.

"They died when I was four, in a car accident?" I said and she shook her head.

"No, your father was a dear friend of ours and your mother was my sister , they got caught in the middle of the war when they came after me and they killed both of them, leaving you at the baby sitters and Grey on the ground bleeding to death. Wade came as quickly as he could and made him a vampire but I never could of kept you safe so I sent you away. You were sent to foster home after foster home until Grey and you were of enough and I told him to run... He took you from the last foster home and here where he got a job at the academy and you got schooling." She stopped and turned from the window letting out a ragged sigh.

"Why would you do that. Due you know how hard it was without a family in those stupid foster homes!" I said and she looked down at me with anger.

"Why would you..." She covered my mouth and let put another sigh before our eyes linked and hers turned violet.

"You almost died and when you were ten." She said and I pushed her away.

"Don't feed me lies." I said turning and walking to the door.

"Your not ready for what waits past that door, Milo! Your not human!" She screamed and I turned growling. I stood there for a moment before opening the door and stomping out of the snow. I must have walked ten minutes before reaching my destination. I looked up at the white building and entered. I went back to the desk and realized everything had changed. A woman now sat in the desk with a name tag that read, Wanda Carlson. I looked up at her and smiled.

"Records please of a woman named Shay Ann Cardinal." I said and she nodded opening a book and reading something.

"The door is there and the code is 0-8-3-6. Hope you find what your looking for." She said and I nodded walking over and punching the code in. The for clicked and I opened it looking back at the desk for reassurance but the other woman disappeared. I shrugged it off and entered the room looking at all the filing cabinets and reading the letters off until I found c. I opened one filing cabinet and pulled out Shay Ann's file reading over it. I had just made it to death dates when a hand with a cloth with chloroform covered my face and I fell asleep.

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