Chapter Ten

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I looked up to see her standing there. Princess Rain holding a Mercian blade crafted perfectly and in battle stance. I half expected her to recognize me and kill me but she ran over freeing me and the other two who got up and ran out.

"Run your free go!" She yelled and I looked up at her.

"I'm sorry." I said and she looked deeper at me.

"Shane?" She asked kneeling and I looked away.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and I sighed.

"I followed them when I seen them kidnap you." I said and she looked confused. I looked up unable to control it anymore and pressed my lips to hers. She backed away after a second in shock.

"What the hell was that!? You wanted to eat me the other day now your kissing me!? Did I miss something?" She asked and I smiled.

"I've always loved you. You don't remember but we grew up together then... You almost died, and they took you from me. I found you years later. I've always loved you Rain! I drank your blood not to hurt you but to see if you remembered... But you never did, did you?" He asked and I shook my head. He looked down and I sighed.

"I-I'm so sorry." I told him and he shook his head.

"I should be sorry... You hit your head so hard when that happened that I should have known you would forget." He said and I sighed. I was about to say something when the wall exploded and sent me flying and the wall collapsing on one of my legs. I looked up at Samuel and another man. Samuel took a step forward but Shane stepped in the way moving his hands quickly, a sword appeared and his clothes turned to armor.

"The princesses crimson knight... What a surprise, Carlos would you so the honors?" Samuel said waving and the other man ran forward at vampire speed attacking Shane with his sword.

"Knotty little Miss. What have you done. Freeing the cursed and trying to play. Tut, tut, tut. You know you can't win a game against the champion." He smiled leaning down and picking up a rock. It had a green shine and was sharp. I watched and he took it and dragged it across the wall making it sharper.

"I save all the blood I new to make my witch army strong, I'm down with you now princess, I will allow you to die." He smirked bring the rock to my neck but I was too fast. I cut his hands off and then cut up his arms and legs. He fell to the ground and looked at his body parts. We both knew he wasn't a vampire and couldn't survive the damages unless he had a doctor.

"Don't worry Sam. I'll make sure it won't kill you fast. I make sure to make it as painful as I can before you die just for everything you've done to me." I said touching his forehead and closing my eyes.


"I love you with all my heart Shay Ann, will you marry me?" He listened from the shadows.

"Yes!" My mother smiled and hopped up letting my father put the ring on her finger. She hugged him as Sam emerged from the shadows.

"Samuel." Mother said and father turned growling. He pushed mother to the car where Grey was asleep.

"You think you can protect what you don't own little man? Their royalty and you don't own them." Sam smiled and Father looked down.

"I don't own them. I love them unlike you did when you and your daughter, Dahlia!" Father said and Sam attacked him with magic making him fall to the ground.

"You can't protect Rokia or those child and I will we the power from their blood to destroy all vampires!" He said before cutting my father head off and throwing it to Carlos. He then turned on my mother who protect the car where I assume Grey was.

"You can't have my only child!" Mother yelled and I watched as she attacked him but he ripped her head off and threw it away from him and pulled six year old Grey from the car.

"Let me go! Hey!" He cried drowsily but Sam cut his neck and put his mouth over it attempting to drink his blood. Moments later he pulled away from Greg letting him fall to the ground half dead and walked to Carlos.

"I don't feel different!" He yelled and Carlos looked at Grey.

"I thought it had to be a child of the actual princess not an off family member?" Carlos said and Sam growled but became unsteady and fell over. Carlos stood over him for a moment before picking him up and carrying him to the big white building.


I opened my eyes and looked up at Freya. She was sleeping next to me on the bed and looked tired at that. I sat up and tip toed out of the room holding my night gown.

"Your awake?" Wade said greeting me with a hug.

"Your my dad and Freya's my mom aren't you?" I asked and he pulled away.


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