Chapter Fourteen

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"Good morning." I chirped and passed her going into my room and putting them away before coming back out to the living room. She looked like she had seen a ghost (technically she had seen one hours ago).

"Sister? How is this possible? You've been missing sixty two years!" She cried and I smiled.

"I found you at Zenthor's house." I began and she blinked.

"The spell you casted on me faded when I touched your forehead. I thought I was Alexis Renin daughter of millionaire suicidal people but no I'm really Freya Cardinal your adopted sister. I'm also a hybrid." I said and she closed her eyes.

"You were Alexis Renin. After I got away from the riots I went back to give you your memories back but a man from the riot found you as a baby and took you to the local hospital for help. I went to get you but you had gotten mixed up in everything and instead of the doctor delivering the horrible news of the Renin's poor miscarriage he gave them you. They seemed so happy and I thought it was safer then bringing you home to dead parents and a burnt home so I left you. All the memories of the Renin's was real your looks were the only thing that was a lie." She sighed and opened her eyes looking at me.

"Yet it was all a lie because you are also Freya and I see you have already changed back too." She said and I nodded.

"How did you get away from Wade?" She asked and I smiled.

"Let's just say he doesn't like Freya one bit." I said and she smiled hugging me. I hugged her back and closed my eyes. All my memories of mothers kisses and father advice came back and tears welled in my eyes.

"Its okay. Their happy now that we are back together." She said and I nodded. We let go and I got up to shower while she watched TV. We made arrangements ,after my shower, at the elders hall for me to move in with her. I was given blessings and sent to meet Elba Mitch to receive a mission.

"There are three missions, Reaper, Like your sister, Caster, like me and Assassin, like your father was. Reaper and Assassin may leave but Casters are to stay here and protect the rest of our people." She explained and I nodded. She was a shorter woman with thick course white hair and wrinkles.

"You may choose one hut that one may not be assigned to you by our elders. You may want Reaper and get Caster or want Assassin and get Reaper. There is hardly a time when someone gets the one they choose." She stopped turning to grab a paper from her desk.

"What if I do not choose one?" I asked and she sighed.

"They always ask that one. You will be killed or sometimes banished, if the elders have mercy if you cannot help support your home and people." She explained and I sighed.

"So I have to pick one of these and hope I get it or can I just go and get one from the elders?" I asked and she raised a brow.

"No one has asked me that question since the princesses rule. Yes, you may." She said opening a door. Elders were gathered at a horse shows shaped table talking. I went forward sitting on the mat and looked up at them. They didn't seem to notice me enter, they just kept talking a laughing about something. I began getting impatient so I looked around at the room. I looked at the portraits of women and men. They all looked angry or sad. I walked forward looking at one of the sad ones. The woman had black hair in a huge bee hive with a smile of sorrow. She was looking at someone as the painting was painted yet I get as if she was directing my attention across the room. I turned looking at a portrait straight across from her and gasping. It was Wade. He had his famous 'not amused' look on his face with a sadness that showed on his down turned lips.

"Freya Cardinal." I turned to see all the elders standing feet away with amusement playing on their lips.

"Yes?" I asked and one of them grabbed his beard and stroked it. He leaned to another who then looked above me and then at me and gasped.

"What is it? What am I?" I asked and they smiled. I was about to ask again when the doors opened and Zenthor followed by Wade entered.

"King Zenthor, Prince Wade." The men bowed and I did so too.

"Rise." Zenthor said and we did. I crossed my arms behind my back and watched Wade. He seemed to be staring at the picture of himself.

"What brings you home King and Prince?" One man asked and Zenthor stepped forward walking to the thrown at the middle of the horse shoed table.

"I need to contact two reapers." Zenthor explained and the rest of the men took their seats. I didn't know what to do so I sat under the portrait of the woman.

"King, if you will allow us. We were just looking at this woman's extreme resemblances to the Princesses Rokia." The One man that whispered to the others told Zenthor and they all looked in my direction. I jumped up and bowed.

"Rise my dear." Zenthor said and I did. I entwined my hands behind my back and Zenthor stood walking towards me. Seeing Zenthor stand Wade looked up and his jaw caught slack when he seen me.

"Who are you dear?" Zenthor asked and I took a deep breath.

"My name is Freya Cardinal. Daughter of George Cardinal and Lea Cardinal." I said and Wade stood.

"But your not their real child. Your adopted, correct?" He asked and I tried to swallow the clump in my throat.

"Yes, that is correct." I explained and Zenthor turned to Wade and Wade walked forward.

"I hate to shock you, princess but you are the actual born child of Princess Rokia." Wade said bowing. I turned to Zenthor who had bowed as well and I shook my head.

"I'm very sorry but you have the wrong doppelganger." I said turning and rushing to the door. I was stood by someone clearing there throat. I turned to see Wade standing behind me.

"May I walk you out?" He asked and I nodded not wanting to piss him off. We got outside and all the princely manners faded away.

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