Chapter One

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"Run!" She yelled after her Seven year old daughter as he grabbed her by the hair and slit her throat.

"Momma!" The little girl screamed as her mother went limp and the man stepped towards her. She looked at him growling before turning and running off. She crawled under the wardrobe and listened to his footsteps. She hoped her father would returned and wake her mother but deep inside she knew it wasn't so.

"Don't worry little girl I won't hurt you." The man said entering the room and looking around. She covered her face to quiet her breath and fear as he turned towards the wardrobe. He took three steps forward and looked under. The girl screamed as he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. He walked through the house stepping over her mother and going out the door not looking back...

Ten years later...
"Bree!" I yelled running up behind her and hugging her.

"Happy birthday Bestie." I told her giving her my present. She looked at the tiny box and smiled.

"Thank you, what's is it?" She asked and I smiled.

"Open it." I said and she smiled opening the tiny box to reveal a stone bracelet I had made yesterday for her.

"Wow, its amazing!" She said holding it up. It instantly changed to her favorite color Green.

"You used your powers to make it?" She asked and I nodded. She gave me a fake smiled but I could tell a look of pity when I see it.

"Its fine, I'm okay." I told her and she nodded looking past me.

"Hey, I'm going to go out with Lucas tonight instead of watching the movie with you okay?" She said and I smiled falsely and nodded. She hugged e slipping the bracelet on and ran past me to her boyfriend. I watched for her to turned the corner before collapsing against the lockers. I felt a cold sweat and looked down at my hands dizzily.

"Help." I tried to yelled but no one was in the hall. I looked down where Bree disappeared and closed my eyes.

"Dahlia?" I opened my eyes to see a doctor above me with a fake smile on his face.

"Dr. Brandon?" I asked and he nodded and flashed his flashlight in my eyes.

"You've not listened to my millions of warnings." He said sitting the bed up. I watched him go to the table and get an injection before injecting me.

"Do I ever?" I asked and he laughed.

"Not at all." He said and I reached up touching my bald head.

"I put your wig over there." He pointed and I followed his finger to my long black wig.

"Thanks doc." I said quickly jumping up but getting dizzy and falling back to the bed.

"Careful. You've used a lot of your soul powers this time." He said helping me and I gasped for air.

"Let me called your father." He said and I looked at him.

"No! Never call him." I said getting back on the table and positioning my wig.

"How are you going to get home then?" He asked and I shook my head supporting myself to stand. When I knew I could walk I thank him and ran out this time making it past the parking lot before having to sit and catch my breath.

"Hey, its Dahlia right?" I turned to Silas a boy from my school.

"Yes, Silas right?" I asked and he smiled sitting down.

"Yes." He reached over holding his and out to shake but I shook my head.

"Germaphobe sorry." I told him and he moved his hand back with the other on his lap.

"I like the bracelet you made for Bree, earth and aura powers right?" He asked and my head snapped towards him. I was about to deny it when he started again.

"Two of the most draining powers, that pretty deadly." He said and I got up and began walking from him. He got up and followed me walking behind me.

"Hey, I'm sorry that was weird." He apologized and I turned towards him.

"I'll pay you twice the amount my father paid you to spy on me if you'll leave me alone." I told him and he looked taken aback before he reclaimed his closure and smiled.

"Vlad didn't hire me." He said and I frowned.

"And I know he's not your bio father. I'm a mind looker, you know I can read minds?" He said and I nodded. I watched him for a moment before turning and walking away.

"I'm sorry if I'm being a creep its just I find you very... Interesting." He said and I scoffed.

"Knowing my personal business make me interesting!?" I asked and he frowned and looked down.

"No, I didn't mean it like that... I meant your personality." He said and I crossed my arms.

"And how did you find out about that?" I asked and he sighed.

"I seen the bracelet and you collapsed. I knew right away." He said looking in my face.

"Without reading your mind." He said and I put my arms to my sides.

"Your the one who called the ambulance?" I asked and he nodded shyly.

"Let's start over, I'm Dahlia Harrison." I said smiling at him and he smiled back.

"Silas West." He said and I gasped.

"Your Bree's brother?" I asked and he smiled.

"Twin brother, yes." He said and I nodded knowingly.

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