Chapter Eight

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"Good morning." Wade said walking in with jeans and a wife beater covered in oil on. He reached for the chips and I slapped his hand away.

"Hey, I'm hungry!" He said and I smiled and stuck my tongue out sticking the chips in the cupboard. There was a whisp of air and I turned and grabbed the bag out of his hand.

"What the heck!" He said turning to me as I held the bag above my head. He smiled and I cocked a brow.

"Your going to show your true scaredy cat self if you use super speed!" I said before he had a change and his smile grew.

"I can get it from you by just using my human speed and strength." He said and I smiled.

"Doubt it." I told him turning and putting the bag on the counter. He came up behind me and reached but I grabbed the bag and ran.

"Me scared of a mortal woman?" He laughed running towards me at normal speed and I dodged him and ran onto the open patio to my uncle part of the beach and smiled. He came out of nowhere frowning.

"How did you..." He stopped when I turned and ran into the house and up the stairs. I planned to hide in the closet but was stopped.

"Hello, Miss Renin." A man said stepping a little from the shadows.

"No. How did you find me here?" I whispered grabbing my notebook just as Wade ended in front of me.

"Wade Dakota?" The man asked and Wade smirked.

"Dominic Randino." Wade said stepping forward and shaking his hand. The man stepped further from the shadows and I covered my mouth. Wade looked at me and smiled.

"Dominic this is Alexis." Wade began and Dominic touched my hand holding it. He looked at my hand and confusion filled his eyes for seconds before they became the same clever look.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Dominic asked but I shook my head and backed from the door.

"Your a murderer." I said and he smiled.

"Alexis." Wade said stepping forward but I turned shaking my head. Just them the door bell went off and I walked out putting my journal on the kitchen table. I turned watching the guys as the conversed on the patio. Dominic caught my stare so I turned and stepped forward opening the door.

"Hell-" I was instantly poked in the arm by a needle and jumped. I looked at the person. A woman with red hair and bright makeup.

"Sorry house called flu injections. Have a nice day." She said as something went into effect in me. My sight began to get blurry and the scenery moved I turned from the door holding the wall trying to stay up and walked to the end of the wall which I knew was the living room. I looked up at Wade as my sight corrected. He was laughing and saying something. I kept trying to say his name but it came out a whisper finally I said it loud enough and he turned shock filled his eyes. I felt something warm drip onto my hand and looked down at the blood. It was coming from my ears and nose. I gasped and stumbled trying to catch my breath. I looked up at Wade, he had recovered and was now coming towards me but I was falling. I watched as he went sideways and felt my head hit the ground.

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